What To Cook, When You Live With A Cook, Who Knows How To Cook

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Note: Just picture Ben Ebbrell with the like "Hello Hello" TikTok noise and that will tell you /exactly/ how I feel right now about literally all of them (sans Chef Currie who for some reason, I somehow didn't fancy as much, but felt more friendly Bob Ross energy towards, don't @ me).


In a quaint townhouse in the middle of London, a crisis was currently unfolding and by the looks of it, was inevitably going to get worse the more it continued.

Books, old and new, piled surfaces, clusters of tissues and dirty dishes as well as a few misplaced items of clothing and nappies even here and there while in the midst of it, 3 harrowed men stood, crowded around a laptop casing light over their exhausted faces while a number of sniffling, curled up and rather clingy children slept on the sofa.

'Go home to Hertfordshire and see your parents, love.' They said. 'We'll look after the kits while you're gone, it'll be fine. You need a bit off. It's your birthday next week.' They said.

How in the hell had it come to this? Everything /was/ fine the first day, but then, Evie got a sniffle (most likely from school), which got passed on to Finn during the night and then finally, Austin somehow in the morning in quick succession.

Before long, all 3 were either crying, screaming, vomity, clingy, snotty, sneezy, sniffly or a combination of everything all at once and despite their best, albeit floundering fathering and siring skills coming to hand, it had just gone downhill from there.

Worse still, fucking Barry had the bright idea in amongst the chaos that because Ben's birthday was on Monday, the boys could pull together an almost Recipe Relay like meal to treat Ben when he got home, considering he'd not only been working so hard on the channel and the business at large, but carrying and raising all 3 kids in it all.

Fat chance that was going to go ahead considering they hadn't had a chance to even browse the internet or library the last 2 days from the current parenting crisis in motion.

They were literally now a few hours out from Ben ariving and then hopping on the bus home from the main station and only just managed to get the kits down for some type of sleep and their whole environment would kill a brown dog, much less an inherently lovely and kind, but rather neat and strict Omega.

(Plus, though no one wanted to admit it, Mike and Jamie both looked peaky and Barry had been off in a corner of the library somewhere sneezing...hopefully from dust.)

They had been at the laptop on their kitchen bench for almost 30 minutes before someone finally shattered the ever-growing tension and silence. "This is just...stupid." Jamie finally grumbled, the other two whipping their heads around to look at him on their rights. "We are 3 fully grown men, married with 3 children between us and can't even cook for our Omega. We are pathetic."

"Hey!" Barry protested on the other side, glaring at him (a piss poor effort considering his eyes were red and weeping, shut the fuck up brain-) over Mike's head. "In our defence, we didn't expect that Evie would give us all the plague. What if we have Covid?"

"Mate, we don't have Covid, we literally all took tests on Saturday and all of them were negative. I also had to lie to Ebbers if you don't recall, while you were having a sneezing and coughing fit in the background and Finn was screaming."

Barry had to sheepishly look away because of that and Mike, ever the mediator when of course, Ebbers wasn't around, rolled his eyes. "Children, please. Enough with the Alpha bravado, you can yell at eachother later. We have more important things to worry about."

What To Cook, When You Live With A Cook, Who Knows How To Cook (SortedFOOD OT4)Where stories live. Discover now