3.2 || Exposed

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"Hi," Fiesi offers awkwardly, lowering his hand. A grin lights up his eyes in azure, and he sinks into a deep, exaggerated bow. "You must be his highest and most honourable majesty, king of these holy lands. It's a blessing to be in your exalted presence, most divine ruler of the humble people."

Sarielle rubs at the bridge of her nose with both hands, closing her eyes with a pained sigh. In the corner nearest the door, Dalton looks ready to disappear into the floorboards.

I have to bite down on my tongue to smother a laugh. Fiesi certainly knows how to destroy tension. It's as if he scented our trouble and has made it his mission to stir up more.

Cyneric is momentarily stunned. "Are you mocking me?"

Fiesi sinks to one knee, his smirk obvious. "I would never, your royal excellence."

Reuben appears beside us, panic flitting into his expression. "For star's sake, close the door."

Rising in a rush, Fiesi sticks a foot inside the door to wedge it open before it can shut in his face. "Hold on." Resting a hand beside the hinges, he cranes his neck to peer around the baffled king. "Sarie, you've got some coin, right? Harper's using his to pay for rooms and he insists that stealing food is somehow unproductive."

With another sigh, Sarielle draws her face from her hands. "He picks his moments," she mutters under her breath, just loud enough for me to catch. Without another word, she reaches inside her cloak and tosses a small pouch his way.

He catches it against his chest. "Excellent." Eyes glimmering, he offers Cyneric another bow of his head. "Immense gratitude for allowing me to breathe the same air as you for a short while, O Majestic One. I'll be on my way now."

Before he can step back into the hall, the king grabs his wrist and drags him inside, shouldering the door closed. Fiesi yelps, sliding free too late.

"Am I some sort of joke to you?" The harshness returns to Cyneric's voice, laced with the scrape of talons. Any sense of laughter dries from my throat. A chill skitters up my spine.

Fiesi appears unfazed. "Of course not," he says. I silently beg him to shut up. As always, I'm unsuccessful. "I'm deadly serious, most incredible--"

"Quiet," Cyneric growls. His gaze sweeps to Dalton. "You're the captain, yes? Have you not taught your soldiers appropriate discipline?"

Dalton's ears have reddened again. He ducks his head apologetically, but not before he shoots a burning glare at Fiesi and his unshakable grin. "I'm afraid this one can't be taught, Your Majesty." He gestures half-heartedly. "May I introduce--"

"Finlay Hunter," Fiesi says, tongue sprinting over the name with haste before anyone can cut across it. He stretches a hand in the king's direction. "Known all across the land for my lack of respect for those of undeserved authority and for my unique ability to irritate, so no worries, it isn't personal. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Cyneric frowns at his outstretched hand in simmering silence. Jaw set, Sarielle marches forward. "Fiesi. His name is Fiesi."

"Is it?" What might pass for genuine confusion, did I not know the lie that forms it, flickers in his eyes. "I don't think so. I'm sure I'd know a thing like my own name."

"Fiesi Kynig," she adds, ignoring him. "He has a flame as well, although it's different to Nathan's. He's entirely harmless to us."

"Harmless," he echoes with a scoff, folding his arms. "Sarie, what exactly are you playing at?"

"The truth." She whirls on him, fixing him with a glare. For the first time since he appeared at the doorway, his smile falters. "Now please, just shut up and listen to what Dalton and I have to say." She turns back to the rest of the room, offering Cyneric an awkward bend of her head. "Apologies, but that goes for you both as well. An awful lot has happened. It's best if you don't ask questions until we've finished explaining."

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