Chapter 1: Exploring

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The bell rung through the hallways, a stampede of pupils from the school ran towards all exits, except from Tom and his friends, they would wait until everyone was gone.

Tom would hate walking home, he always lived the farthest away, Edd - one of his best friends - would get picked up, sometimes he would offer a lift for Tom however, usually he needs to pick his little sister up from school.

So it would leave Matt and Tom to walk alone. Matt was another friend of Tom's. They all formed a trio. Even though Tom was the most shy of the bunch he would always make plans for them to meet up, Edd and Matt would always accept, it was like this for years, they would always share there secrets with eachother, but there was one secret they didn't know about.

They noticed the bruises appearing on his skin 4 years ago, they were little and on his arms, as he got older the bruises started getting bigger, Turning into cuts, then a year ago they vanished or that's what they thought. Tom found out people saw them, he saw the looks his friends would give him so he bought foundation and concealer, it took him awhile to figure out how to make it look realistic but eventually it became routine for him.

The bullies never stopped, they were fascinated with his eyes, they would poke his eye socket with objects, call him names like freak and devil child which he didn't mind, his family never found out about it since his mum did night shifts - sleeping in the Morning and working in the night - he didn't have any siblings and his father left him at a young age.

He started his trip towards his house with Matt, one earphone in his ear listening to the song lovers rock, he was in a good mood, he's managed to dodge his builies yesterday, him and Matt made small talk until it was Time for him to go, Matt always left on queen's street, he lived in a big house with his 2 other sisters, Hermione and Angel, Tom rarely saw them, he saw them grow up, they all used to play with eachother, Matt would insist that Tom didn't have too but he didn't mind, now they would just ignore him instead off dress him like a princess.

Suddenly he was aware off where he was, he had turned the corner, the wrong corner, he was lost. He continued on his walk managing to somehow end up in a Field, a small burnt house was next too a green tree, a swing was on one of the branches, blue plastic like rope and a little unsanded seat, the tree must have been older then the house judging from how tall it was.


The little boy in the suspenders ran towards a tree, it was green and thick, a small swing swayed in the breeze, the sun started to set on the horizon casting a glow on the windows off a little hut, it was about 8 feet away from the small swing. The little boy struggled to get onto the wooden seat untill his mother walked over her white dress waved in the breeze, she pushed the little boy making sure he held on.

"Again! Again!" He cheered, making the woman laugh, nothing could change this moment.

A small smile grew on Tom's face. The shadows hid himself from the happy family, he wished the boy could be him,

"Tom, mind your own business." His own mother called, his smile was short lived and was replaced by a sad little frown.


He knew this place was familiar, the memories hit him like a train, he wished his family could be like that, happy again, since his dad left his mother indulged herself in her work, Tom thought off it as a way she was coping. He was never told why he left, just one day he was gone.

Something attracted him to the small burnt house, his brain ached to explore.

The door opened with a creak, dust bunnies scattered the floor, the stairs were in the entrance of the building, slightly charred and broken, the room to his right was a living room, it was nice and snug, the sofa was brown and leather, half was burnt from the fire, the coffee table matched the colour and a few scraps of fluffy fabric rested on the floor, pictures of a family was hung up on the grey painted walls, this made Tom uncomfortable, he felt like this because he was invading someone's personal space.

He decide to leave untill he heard a twig snap inches away from the door, familiar voices echoed in his ears,

'Henry'  he thought.

He frantically searched for a hiding spot, however it was too late - he had to hide behind the sofa, an obvious place.

" Yeah, shut up you know, she likes me now. " Henry said as one of the other boys in the group flopped on the sofa Tom was behind.

" Oh please, do you really think she'll like you because you bought her a cheap bracelet, you've never even spoken to her, besides- "

The boys words stopped as a loud slap bounced of the walls.

" I know she likes me. Don't test me Larry. "

The red cheeked boy was now being held down one the sofa by Henry, Thomas was in his eyeline.

" Well, well, well! " The boy said clapping his hands " what do we have here? Thomas were you eavesdropping? "

Before the man could reply, a sharp pain spread throughout his stomach, he instinctively groaned and hugged his stomach for dear life, his hair was tugged by Larry, a boy who follows Henry to be popular.

" If I see your face here again expect worse. " The man spat before he hit the blue boy in his jaw, causing his brace's to nip at his skin, he fell back in pain which earned another kick in the stomach, he spat blood on the boys brand new white shoes.

" Ugh! Discussing! Boys let's go find a better place to hang, it's lame here anyway "

Finally, Thomas was greated with peace and a painful jaw and stomach.

Soon his world faded to black.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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