Balloon walked out of the room, thanking Candle. A huge, larger than life weight sat on his shoulders, but he did his best to shrug it off for now. If he was going to do this, he couldn't be constantly panicking and worrying. This would be easier if he stayed calm.

Once at his room, Balloon got a glass of water from his sink and gulped down a pill. The second it dropped down his throat, he felt full of energy. He could very likely run a hundred laps around the hotel and not even sweat. Then, in that exact same moment, it all went away. He presumed that the pill had worked. Next, he needed to get to Test Tube. It would be hard to knock her unconscious without shattering her into millions of pieces. How was he going to do this?

Balloon took a deep breath. He sat down in his bed, trying to brainstorm how he would pull this off. Hopefully, dying wouldn't be of much consequence this time, since MePhone was around now, and could revive him. He had nothing to worry about. Except how he would do this.

Balloon pulled out his phone to search for anything that could knock someone out without physically harming them. There's got to be some sort of gas or substance out there that can do that, right?

Hitting the enter button, a single result came up. Courviletine.(I didn't want to bother actually searching it up) The website said that the liquid is only rarely found in...

Orange juice. Crap. Now he had to sap OJ just for a chance at getting this crap stuff? This was going to be a nightmare. He was on a serious time limit too, since he had to do this before the possessed Test Tube or possessed Cheesy caused too much trouble. Balloon sighed, and put away his phone. He was going to tell Candle his plan, but he feared that she wouldn't approve of stealing OJ from OJ. So how was he going to do this? Paper was close to him. Maybe he-

No, he's too nice. He wouldn't dare do that. Going up and just asking him wouldn't work either, since some people(including OJ) weren't exactly on his side. So who else was close to him?

Then, he got an idea. It seemed crazy, but it was worth a shot. Maybe, just maybe, he could bribe Salt into getting some for him the next time she got close. What would he even have to do, though? Set them up on a date? Bribe OJ into dating her? Plan an entire wedding? Geez, this was going to be hard. But, this was about his only option. Balloon headed downstairs to find her pestering OJ again. He would go talk to her once she was done. Looking around the room, he saw Knife and Pickle playing a game together, Lightbulb and Paintbrush playing against them. Fan was sitting in the corner, eyes in his phone. Mic and Soap were talking in the kitchen, some sort of device in the latter's hand. He decided to go check it out.

Stumbling his wat there, Balloon sat down next to Soap.

"Oh! Hi Balloon! Are you okay?"

"I'm...fine. What's that flashing thing in you hand?"

"This? This is a remote tracker I needed to put in you so I can keep track of your health, and rush to help you whenever you need it faster. There's one for Tissues, as well."

"Oh. Okay. Bye, then."

Balloon started to get up, but Soap stopped him.

"Hey, you seem really down. Do you need anything?"

"...No. I'm fine. Thanks, though."


Balloon walked back into the main room, seeing Salt and Pepper chatting in the corner, as usual. It was now, or probably never. Balloon walked up to them

"And then he said-"

"Oh. Hey BALLOON." Pepper said sarcastically.

"Hey, Salt, I...I need to talk to you."

"No thanks, I'd rather talk to someone who's actually, like, normal."

"Salt, this is very important."

"Oh, sure it is. Go on. Tell me."

"I...need some OJ from OJ. You're the only person I can think of who could do it."

"And why would, like, you need it anyways?"

"It's...important. Please, I really need your help with this."

"If it's so important, why can't you tell us?"

"If I said, everyone would be panicking and praying for mercy."

"Like, sure. I'm not even considering it unless you tell me."

"Fine. Just don't freak out when I tell you."

Balloon then proceeded to tell her and Pepper everything. Why he needed the juice, TT and Cheesy being possessed, everything.


"HA! Like I'd believe that. C'mon, let's, like, find something worthwhile to do."

Salt shoved Balloon to the floor as her and Pepper walked away, presumably to the hot tub. He barely kept himself from screaming in pain as he heard the 2 laughing about something, presumably him. In an instant, Soap came rushing over to him as tears started to form in his eyes. She picked him up and carried him to the nurse's office as everyone looked over at them, even the 2 shakers that had knocked him over. Balloon could only hope they had enough sympathy to help him out. Then he passed out.

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