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Leaping of paws. Panting of breath. Swishing of tail.

Dog. Run!

There was a flash. Then a screech. Then the running continued.

Gorge. Waterfall ahead. Danger.

A skidding and a whine. The blurr lept out of the way as two more shapes ran over the edge. For a moment the creature blinked, hidden in the shadows. Then it emerged, showing four small paws, a long tail and pointed ears.

Danger gone. Safe now.

Another cat crept slowly from the blackness. It looked like a shadow in daylight. A very dark black with yellow eyes. The other cat, a gray-brown tabby, meowed. The darker cat hissed, clearly ungrateful.

So? Nearly caught! Barely know you anyway! What you want?

The tabby shook his head, looking on with wise but young eyes.

Lucky you alive. Chasing me, not you. Saved you, ungrateful dung-eater.

The black cat growled before rushing off. The tabby turned and padded to a den. He paused. Then he scented the air, relaxing.

Trici! You safe?

Yes. Come, Blazix.

The tabby padded toward a younger ginger-brown cat, Trici. He let out a happy purr, curling around the female.

Blazix, new. New life. Born soon.

Really? Great, Trici.

Blazix purred even louder. Trici licked her slightly bigger belly. Blazix purred for a bit before there was silence. Trici nodded.

You worry 'bout Darkerheart? Kittens safe. Until adulthood.

Need guard. I will. Kittens safe.

Blazix lept to the top of the tunnel, eyes darting around. He sighed contentedly, knowing that dusk was coming soon. Predators and enemy cats would be out at night. He thought about his kits. One would have a name already. One of compassion, loyalty, courage and care.


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