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*A photo of how her dream looks like* Continue. ....

I look around and see a forest covered with snow and pine cones I try to walk but my feet are stuck in the snow that reaches my knees the more I try to get my feet out the deeper they go in. There's a sound coming from the corner it almost sounds like whispers I turn my head quickly and see no one there so I look back and see a girl my age sitting criss crossed on the snow in a black dress. She looks me up and down before smirking.

"You should've known better"She says in a venom tone.

"Huh?"I ask unaware by what she means and where I am.

"You should've known better"She repeats and stands up I look at her a little scared of what is happening.

"He doesn't want you your an ugly loser who shouldn't be in this world, he should've never kissed you"She says and bends down so now where face to face. I got a feeling she is talking about Zelo.

"I don't get it"She says and I stay absoultly quiet not wanting to speak since I'm basicaly trembling of fear.

"You don't deserve him he's just playing with you"She says and I shake my head no. This is just a dream those creepy dreams I have.

"This is a dream"I say and try to get up but struggle I grunt as I move my legs faster to get out of the snow. I hear her laugh as it echos through out the woods and clap her hands.

"Your too stupid to notice open your eyes little girl then you'll find out the truth"She says and continue's laughing at me.

I keep struggling my legs to get out and I feel them slowly get out of the snow I look at the girl and see she continues to laugh. I dont know what I;m doing but I soon start running to her. I'm about to reach her when I see her disapear like smoke. I start hearing whispers get louder and louder.

"He doesn't want you" I hear one come out of two trees and I look and see no one then there's laughter.

"Loser get a life" I hear another one and quickly turn and see no one again, I feel a gust of wind past by my and causes me to laugh and more laughter to be heard I don't even relaise I'm crying till I taste the salty tears in my mouth.

"Please stop!" I scream and cover my ears and rock myself on my knees as I feel the cold snow. I hear laughter again and I look up with tears pooling my eyes and see no one again I just want to wake up from my dream.

"Oh darling but it's just a dream like you said" I hear a voice say and I scream and laughter is heard again. I feel this shaking and I shove it away but then realise it's not the dream someone is shaking me.

I look up and meet with brown worried eyes. I don't even think twice before wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging him tight I start crying and shaking my head it was just a dream. I sob in his sweater as I remember what the girl said.

"Hey, what's wrong"He asks in a soft voice and I keep my head on his shoulder.

"Nothing"I say and start whipping away the tears.

"Tell me"He says looking at me as I finish wiping away the last tear.

"Don't laugh"I say and he nods.

"I had a bad dream"I say and look down.

"What was it about?"He asks and I shake my head.

"I'm not saying sorry I can't tell you"I say and look at him.

"Just tell me you were sleeping then I hear you start whimpering and shaking then you cry. I'm sorry but I need to know"He says in a serious tone and I nod.

Deception(Zelo B.A.P)Where stories live. Discover now