Part 15

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After a couple of months Nicola develops feelings for Deaclen

"Will you go out with me" Deaclen asks
"No" Nicola said a gun goes off
Deaclen passes out not dead
Nicola moves away to England where she meets Alex a business person conning people out of their money they partner up in taking down their business competitors until they got caught and sent to jail but in a couple months escaped and split while Alex again attempted to start there company back up while Nicola moved to the country where she met Joao and the whole basement situation happened long long after this she met Tob Nicola fell head over heels for Tob when they met in the car repair shop his car broke down and Nicola crashed her car into a pole and exchanged numbers to meet one day

In Nicolas mind
I forgot I had to clean out my car today what's this ohhh I remember that guys phone number at that car repair I should call him now *calls*the number burrrr burrr burrr "hi who is this" "its me the girl you met at the car repair a couple months ago or was it a year ago? "Nicola, right?" "Yea, do you maybe want to meet somewhere " "I'm free tomorrow, how about you" "perfect Im free too" "do you want to daddy pigs pizzeria" "sure see you" "see you bye " Nicola blushes oh no I forgot again in assassinating mommy pig welp the pizza will have bacon on well it's getting late i can't be asked to clean my car out so I'm going to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2024 ⏰

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