Relatable Quotes #20

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I wish I could go back to that time,
Where no one would mind ....
If you woke up at nine,

Where people weren't Fake,
And the happiness which they wouldn't take...

I wish I could go back to that time,
Where if you got a problem....
You could just sleep and the next day everything would be fine.

No worries of future,
No disappointments of past,
No regrets,
No expectations,
And your desires had no limitations.

I wish I could go back to that time,
Where your mistakes weren't mistakes,
But just sweetness of your innocence,
And there were no complications.

As It is said nothing forever lasts,
yet Sometimes I wonder why did the time fly so fast?

Ok so what was this ? A poem ?
May be...I don't know.... :P
Just felt like writing something! :)

Hope you liked it :)

- vote if you can relate! :)

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