Chapter one : Where it Began

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7:30 a.m.

(alarm goes off)




"stares at the celing"

So comfy laying down, thats the first thing that came up to my head as my wrinkly sheets stretched out when i sat up , reached out my arm to turn off my alarm , annoyed by how loud it actually beeps , like seriously you could be across the street and probbly still hear it like its right by ur ear , its a gift from mom tho so i cant "cant" use it , a parting gift i suppose since she gave it to me as i was about to leave going to this university , the black color and rectangular glossy look of it gives off rlly good aesthetic vibes anyway so not bad i guess.


(current time: 7:32 a.m.)

Well satisfied with the silence , its still a constant reminder to me that turning off that alarm means that theres another day ahead and for someone as lazy as me , well it just sucks.

"i need to start moving i swear i dont wanna be late again" - said to myself mentally as i remember what happend to me the other week.

I smirked as i realize how dumb i was , well basically this is what happend , its a long story but in short i thought the following day was a weeked , i know how can someone forget something like that? well thats what happends if you drink too much coffee and sleep late , you lose memmory and start making dumb desicions , i know really really dumb so since genius me thought it was a weekend , i set my alarm at 10:00am since thats when i normally eat breakfast. well basically brunch since i skip lunch alot. then back to the story , i woke up at 10 , realize i have classes , skipped shower and just wore my robe and uniform then headed on out to the campus.

seriously...well im lucky since i didn't get punished

I mean well i didn't get caught since every professor are already starting thier classes , well i mean there was one who could have caught me Miss Violet , The Schools Headmaster.

Her office had a glass wall window that overviews the main corridors going to the classrooms , it basically looked like those ticket booths on train stations or on cinema booths , We'd always wave to her i mean she's friendly and all , we just judge her heavy make and how she always looked like a drag queen gone wrong , i know kinda evil but eh i mean just stating facts.

soo then back to the story , since i was late i had to skip my first class and when i arrived at my next class luckily they haven't took attendance yet meaning it haven't started yet , so in other words im safe.
got really lucky tho cause if i haven't
im kinda screwed...

Classes starts at around 8:30 a.m. and if i dont start moving ill be late again , i mean look i litteraly take 30-45 min just to prepare food , cook and actually eat then i'd have to do minor chores like fixing my bed , i also have to take a shower duh and fix my hair , apply make up which take ages, then i'd have to put on my uniform which is a blackish-blue robe with white linen cotton inside clothing , also i'd have to shine my magic bands, its a magic bracelet that every students aquire when they enter the Academy, it also doubles being our own I.D.

It's a smooth one solid piece glossy ,heavy bracelet, it feels like its made out of marble or some kind of stone suprisingly really comfortable , when its not worn it's just straight up plain and shiny black , but if someone wears it , the band creates it's own unique design and color depending on its user, i dont really know alot about these Magic Braclets nor what it does but i think it represents the user's capabilities or something , i dont really know alot about this since im just transferee student this year , i got mine and i stil have no clue how to use it, the design i got looked like a wavy pink lightning spred, it looked kinda weird but cool in the same time.

Getting ready to go to school , i suddenly re-couped and rememberd a vivid and unsual dream that i had and the weridest thing is it felt so real , i dont know how to describe it cause seriously it was so bizzare,
altho if im not mistaken i rememberd it being like this..

it was a pitch black place , like actual pitch black outer space but like really really black, then in the middle there was a shining dot of light, it looked just like one of those flashlight thing on the back of our phones, it was shining so bright or maybe since everything was just dark so you couldn't really miss it , it also felt weird cause for some reason there was an urge for me to walk up to it , as if its was calling me or something ,
a connection where that dot of light was choosing me for..

I didn't think about it too much about it since i had better things to do than overthink a fantasy dream.

(current time: 8:00 a.m.)

***rain starts to fall***

it's raining huh, i guess i'd have to wear my coat then.

Im kinda shocked that it even rained , i wasn't cloudy or anything when i woke up , i guess the thunderstorm clouds were just late , the school is located at a valley with rolling hills on the feet of Mt. Kmea so it gets pretty muddy sometimes especialy outside the campus.

I grabbed a chair and placed it down so i could stand on it and get my coat , i placed it on the highest shelf of my cabinets okay? , i got on my tip-toe and grabbed my reddish-pink rain coat , i always loved this color it always made me stand out i mean , litterly out of all the standard yellow coats how could miss someone wearing a red one..

(a sudden flash of light lit up my window)



is there a storm about to hit us today?

My heart was litterly pounding out of my chest , im quietly admiring my coat then a sudden lightning would show up from nowhere? i got startled ofc probbly hit one of the towers of the campus..

I live in the south tower, well technically it's where my dormroom is , theres a tower at each pointed coorinated direction, like there's The North Towers pointing north , The West Towers , The East Towers and The South Towers where im at, each tower create the corners of the actual rooms of the academy.

oh , by the way i forgot to introduce myself...

Hi! Im Lexia Omnium , A 19 year old student attending..

The Sortiarius Academy!

The Top 1 University that practices all sorts and kinds of Magic!!

All Kinds of creatures study here such as Goblins , Vampires , Warewolves Even Demi-gods and well Humans.

The Most powerful Wizards , Mages and Witches and more Graduated here In Sortiarius , This 3822 year old Academy ,,, with that as my Human parents were also Mages and Wizards, i guess they are just passing on the Family Tradition to me and maintaining the magic capability in our blood.

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