Author's Note

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If you've searched for this story on Wattpad and didn't find it at the regular place, it's because it was previously uploaded by someone who wasn't the author. Please consider this version, as uploaded by the author RhymePhile, the official one.

It was published in October of 2010 at LiveJournal and AO3 for the Dean/Cas Big Bang Challenge.

I couldn't have completed this story without the helpful suggestions and last-minute beta from mf_luder_xf, the thoughtful advice and cheerleading from shoelacedreamer, the prodding from siberian_skys, and I definitely would have given up without the support from my partner, L. They've all done a lot for me. Any resulting errors are mine alone.

In the 1990s, the perfect score on the SATs was 1600, 800 verbal and 800 math. There were still Home Economics classes then too.

To read this story in its full version not broken up by chapter, please visit AO3 here:

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