Chapter 7-Ibs a cold!!

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A.N - the title is spelt like that on purpose, also can we pretend I was given for ages lol :) (still sorry for grammar mistakes)


"Dop loobking ab be line zat!" Stiles said huffily, trying to be a little graceful at wiping his leaky faucet of a nose while five pairs of eyes watching him like he had swallowed a bomb and it was about to go off.

"Are you sure you don't need..."

"Kali! I'b nob going to hobsital for a colb!" Stiles sighed exasperatedly.

"But your chest really doesn't sound good!" Ethan fretted a little.

"Stob listening to it! All ob youb!" Stiles said horrified, clutching his chest as though he were a half-naked damsel.

Honestly, the day after being asked to stay...home due to Kali hole punching Derek, and he had come down with a cold! He couldn't say that he was really shocked to be honest, he had not been living the healthiest lifestyle over the last few weeks, and he had spent far too much time in open-air places - generally with a dead body for company - in the middle of the night having yanked clothes on that were not activity appropriate.

Though he wasn't sure what was activity appropriate for hiking through the forest to find your Banshee 'friend' and a body. Another body.

That mixed with the fact he hadn't been eating properly, sleeping properly, and all the stress of the last year, well, a cold was probably getting off lightly for ignoring the fact that he was human and could get illnesses.

Illnesses that his new Pack did not get, and were clearly well out their comfort zone in dealing with.

"Are you sure it is normal though? What if it is asthma forming, or pneumonia, or tuberculosis!" Ennis fretted.

"Hab you beeb googling?" Stiles sighed.

"It said we should take you to the hospital!" Ennis huffed thrusting his phone at Stiles, who turned it off without looking and shoved it under his pillow.

"I hab a colb! Zabs it!" Stiles said firmly.

"Is there anything that we can do to help you get better?" Deucalion asked with such a mock calm that Stiles couldn't help but snort, and then regretted it when he started coughing.

"I juss neeb rest, orange, soub and meds," He sighed once he finished coughing.

"We can do that!" Ethan and Aiden bounced to their feet.

"Hang on!" Ennis snagged the two of them by their collars before they could rush off, lifting the two of them clean off their feet. "I will give you a list of things I need you to pick up to make soup," He huffed stomping through to the kitchen.

"Honestly, ibs a colb, I didn't even get zis much fuss when ze Wendigo sliced ub by arb," Stiles sniffed, before blanching when Kali stood sharply and headed to the door. "No bore stabbing people!"

"She will find ways other than stabbing," Deucalion snorted, reaching out till he felt Stiles' hair and then running his fingers soothingly through it. I will leave you to rest, but this has brought up something I would like to ask you,"

"Wabs zab?" Stiles asked shuffling further down the bed to get comfortable as tiredness kicked in.

"I would like you to consider taking the bite. I know that this is just a cold," He added when Stiles huffed annoyed. "But it might not have been, it could have been something more serious, and you are running with wolves and well into the Supernatural world, what if the next Wendigo goes through your chest? I know you well enough already darling to know that asking you to not take part in fights and chases will not only go down poorly, but will make you unhappy with us, and that is the last thing I want, but I want you dead even less. Please, think about it," Deucalion requested.

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