CharactersTemple Alliance
C Iceamo
Alex Nightshade
Jade Rosengs
Admiral "Goldnose" Sapsing
Sir Emmery "Monocle" Morrison
TA General
TA SoldiersThe Cloaked Hunters
Killer C
5 Black cloaked generals
Supreme Commander Brevrand
Random Cloaked GuardThe exiles
Commander Weaver
The purple hunterRaindrop
The puzzle maker
Potential energyPART 1:
Scene 1: location 273 Hq
The scene opens on Iceamo, Rosengs, Nightshade, and Goldnose sitting around a conference table with an open laptop at the head representing Monocle.Goldnose- any progress on figuring out who is killing C's off, or what's going on with the puzzle maker?
Rosengs- unfortunately no progress on whoever is murdering C's, or a new pattern on the killings, but we now have a better warning system in place.
Iceamo- damn, nothing. Alright no new progress on the puzzles we found.
Nightshade- none
Iceamo- nothing except lost sleep and a few red herrings. No breakthroughs, but we're getting closer. You got anything Monocle
Monocle- yes actually, I've finally cracked another encryption for data on the C project, at some point they played around with the idea of adding jellyfish DNA to you by the way, I'll send you the data if you want.
Iceamo- ok, send the data over, find anything important yet, I mean besides DNA they almost added to me
Monocle- no, at least I don't think so. And the data has already been sent.
Goldnose- anything else
Iceamo- yes, I'm going to visit Killer C
Goldnose- ok then, if no one has anything else to add, then the meeting is adjourned.
Goldnose, Rosengs, and Nightshade quickly gather papers and exit in the background, leaving Iceamo alone in the room with Monocles laptop
Iceamo- Alright what have you really found
Monocle- more evidence that whoever is in charge of the C project is somehow connected to the puzzle maker, but I'm still not sure how. Unfortunately nothing I've found can help solve his puzzles though.
Iceamo- I'm starting to think we need to look at this another way.
Monocle- so that's why you want to visit Killer C
Iceamo- one of the reasons, I also needed an excuse to be out of contact for a while.
Monocle- alright then, if that's all I'm going to get back to work.
Scene 2: location Killer C's lair
The scene opens on Killer C sitting at a desk covered with papers. Iceamo is walking into the room.Killer C- if your here I assume you've figured out our next step
Iceamo- yes, I don't know the solution to the newest puzzle but, based on the
Killer C(cutting Iceamo off)- where are we going
Iceamo- my old vacation home
Killer C- ok, so your playing a hunch
Iceamo- were leaving in 5 minutes, if your not ready by then, that's not my problem
Killer C- don't want me out of your sight do you
Iceamo- I want find the puzzle maker, so I don't have to deal with this anymore
The Rise of Killer C
AcciónThe 3rd instalment in the Killer C series Fully complete, currently the final part I am not currently planning to continue