-The birth of Sosruko-

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One day Satanaya was washing her clothes on the banks of the Kuban River, on the other side of the river the shepherd of the Narts stood and looked at her,

fascinated by her beauty he called out to her: "Satanaya, Satanaya, you are so beautiful, please look at me only once".

She looked at him and after she saw him she felt affection for him.

Satanaya finished her work and turned to leave the place and then the shepherd called her again: "my beautiful Satanaya, the prettiest of them all, please don't leave the rock you sat on, please take it with you and take good care of it".

Satanaya brought the rock to her house and hid it, the days did not last long before she started to hear a strange sound from the rock.

She examined and watched the rock and here! she felt that it was growing day by day, Satanaya placed the rock near a warm spot by the fireplace and ran to Tlepsh for advice.

Tlepsh was very surprised and astonished at the sight of his eyes and said: "What do my eyes see?", Then he took his hammer and started hitting the rock to break it.

hitting the rock for seven days until he cracked it, and out of it a baby fell caught on fire as sparks of fire rise from his body.

Tlepsh Grasped the baby's knees tightly with forceps and dipped him in the cold water, the baby's body has cooled and hardened and become as strong as steel, but his knees remained as soft and weak as meat.

He was unlike any other boy or girl, The child began to grow at a very fast and unusual rate,Since then Satanaya has called her son by the name Sosruko.


Fun fact:

In the Circassian language the name Sosruko(sawsereqʷa) is divided into four syllables.

"Sa" means sword, "wa" means to hit, "ser" means heat, and "qʷa" means son, hence literally "The son of the fiery sword hit".

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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