Part 12

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This is a mature story. Only read if you are comfortable.

Akshara Goenka:

As soon as Abhimanyu left her apartment, Akshu closed the door and sat on the couch. "What the hell just happened? Did Abhimanyu Birla really come to my house and kiss me??" Akshu couldn't believe it. She started jumping up and down. "Dr. Abhimanyu Birla kissed me!! Eeeeeeeeee!!" She started to spin around, not believing her luck. He invited her for dinner the next day. But she really needed to control her hormones around him. He wasn't some random immature guy who was only after one thing. No, no. He was sensible and mature and intelligent and a true gentleman and so so so gorgeous and he was interested in her??? He could probably get any girl he wanted but he was interested in her! How lucky was she? She kept thinking. She didn't know why he liked her so much that he even resigned from the university for her but she was beyond flattered and touched. Was it too soon to decide that he was the most perfect man? Maybe it was but she didn't care. He really was perfect and he kissed her and he invited her for dinner. She would have to finish Aaru's shopping quickly the next day and get to Abhimanyu's place on time. Did he say he was going to cook for her? "God, Akshu! How lucky are you?" Akshu squealed.


The next day, Akshu got up early and finished shopping for her sister. She also picked up a little black dress for herself to wear to dinner. It was a little flirty but still classy and casual. Akshu wanted to look a little mature so she could look like a match for Abhimanyu instead of looking like she was still his student. She got home and quickly took a shower and put on her dress, realizing the neckline was a little low but it would do. She curled her hair and did a Smokey look with her makeup. "Umm is this too much? Or is this giving 'I really want you but I'm going to behave myself but I hope this will make you want me as well' or does it make me look desperate?"

Just then, her phone rang. It was Aarohi, video calling her. Akshu answered. "Akshu, did you get all my things and holy smokes! Akshu! Why do you look so f-ing sexy?" Aaru exclaimed.
"You think so? Is it too much?" Akshu asked nervously.
"First of all, why are you dressed like this or should I ask, who are you dressed like that for?" Aaru asked curiously.
"Okay you can't tell anyone! Promise on me, you won't tell anyone. Especially not Mimi!"
"Ya ya! I promise now give me the deets!" Aaru said excitedly.
"I have a date tonight but now I think this is too much! What do you think?" Akshu was getting anxious now but she trusted her sister to be honest.
"It depends on what are you trying to achieve. If you want to give him a heart attack or jump on you, this is perfect!" Aaru laughed. "You look hot! Please bring this dress with you, I want it! Only if this date of yours doesn't tear it off!"
"Aaru!" Akshu blushed. "I don't know what I want. He said he wants to take it slowly...."
"Do you like him a lot, Akshu?"
"A lot and lot and lot! Aaru!! He's...perfect! He's gorgeous and so so so sweet and amazing and smart and....." Akshu sighed.
"Well, he won't be wanting to take it slow once he sees you tonight!" Aaru giggled.
"Aaru! Behave yourself!" Akshu rolled her eyes but smiled. "Okay, I have to go now and yes I did get all your things!"
"Okay, tell me how it was, tomorrow! Bye! Love you!" Aaru said hanging up the call.

Akshu was now even more confused. Was this going to make Abhimanyu think Akshu was that desperate?? Maybe she should change but then Akshu looked at the time and she was already 5 minutes late. Oh well, too late now.


Akshu took the elevator and got to the 7th floor and rang Abhimanyu's doorbell. She could already smell the food and it made her mouth water. Abhimanyu opened the door, wearing a light blue button-down shirt that was tightly hugging his body and highlighting his muscles along with khaki skinny pants. He looked gorgeous.
"Hi Abhimanyu!" Akshu said taking her eyes off him. He stared at her with his mouth slightly open.
"Um hi! Akshu, you look....." he tried to speak. Oh god, was this too much? "Akshu! You look absolutely stunning! Come in!"
"You don't look bad, yourself." Akshu said entering his apartment.
"I'm glad you approve." Abhimanyu laughed and closed the door behind her. "Come here, you!" He pulled her in his arms and kissed her. "I missed you all day today."
"I missed you, too." Akshu wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.
"Seriously, Akshu. You look amazing. You always do but!" Abhimanyu sighed making Akshu blush.
"I was scared it was a little too much...."
"It is." Abhimanyu said. Damn it, Akshu.
"I....I...can go change." Akshu said blushing.
"No!" Abhimanyu laughed. "I mean it's too much for my little heart." Abhimanyu pulled Akshu even closer to him and whispered in her ear. "I'm scared I might lose control." Akshu felt a shudder in her whole body.
"Maybe that's my whole intention." Akshu whispered back.
"Well, that has to wait because it's time to eat as of now." Abhimanyu said as he gave Akshu a light kiss on her lips and led her to the dinning table.

Akshu's mouth dropped when she saw the spread. There were at least 7 or 8 dishes: pastas and rice, sandwiches and curries.
"Did you make all of this?" Akshu said in shock.
"Ya...I wasn't sure what you will like." Now it was Abhimanyu that was blushing.
"Oh my god! Marry me!" Akshu exclaimed. "You are what dreams are made of, Abhimanyu!"
"What?" Abhimanyu laughed. "Also, I will like it if you call me Abhi."
"Okay, Abhi!" Akshu smiled at him. "I'm sorry, I really can't wait now to eat."

As they ate what Akshu thought was the best food she had in a long long time, she turned to look at Abhi. "Explain to me, why are you still single?"
"Am I single?" Abhi raised his eyebrow at her. "Here I made all this food for my new girlfriend and she thinks I'm single!" Abhi pretended to be offended. Did he just call her his girlfriend? Oh my god, Akshu!
"I were you single before?" Akshu blushed.
"What do you mean?"
"Girls will throw themselves at you. You know, every girl in class has a crush on you." Akshu informed him. "You are every girl's dream, Abhi and you can cook! I'm surprised but glad that you are not married yet."
"Well...I'm flattered. I was almost married once." Abhi told her.
"Really? What happened if you don't mind me asking?" Akshu needed to stop being so nosy but she was really curious.
"You can ask me anything, Akshu." Abhi smiled at her. "Umm well, she cheated on me so..."
"Wait what??" Who was this idiotic girl that cheated on Abhimanyu Birla! "Did you love her?"
"I thought I did at that time but when I look back, it was more about convenience then love. We were both doctors so it made sense but there really wasn't much love between us. I know this now. So I'm glad it didn't work, we both would have been miserable." Abhi said to her and smiled again. That smile was going to kill Akshu, she knew that much. "What about you? Have you ever been in love?"
"Nah. I've never been in anything serious. Just a few dates. I did have a boyfriend once, Arjun. But...I don't know. Guys my age are always after one thing and I guess they never had what I want in a relationship." Akshu helped herself to more pasta.
"What do you mean?" He looked at her so intensely, Akshu thought she was going to melt.
"Umm...." All of a sudden, Akshu didn't know what to say. "This probably will sound stupid to you."
"Nothing you can say will ever sound stupid to me."
Akshu blushed. "I want someone who I can talk about anything to and feel comfortable doing. Who can give me the stability and love my eccentric self without asking me to change. Someone who is funny and smart and mature." Him. Akshu wanted to tell him, it was him that she wanted.
"Well Akshu, I hope I can be all that for you." He said softly. Akshu wanted to jump across the table and kiss him right there.


"You have never seen The Office?" Akshu exclaimed. "That's my favorite show."
"Okay, let's watch it then." Abhi said on the sofa turning on the TV after dinner and Akshu went and sat next to him. "Let's watch this favorite show of yours." He put his arm around her and started the first episode.

After 3 episodes, Abhi turned to Akshu laughing. "Okay this is really funny."
"Told ya!" Akshu laughed and kissed his cheek. "You need to laugh more often, sir."
"Akshu, I asked you for dinner and now are making you watch a show you have seen before. I hope you don't think I'm boring." Abhi said a little anxiously.
"You are the least boring person, Abhimanyu Birla. This is the best date ever." She hugged his muscular chest. "Okay next episode, please." She smiled looking up at him.
Abhi kissed her nose and smiled.

100 likes for next chapter. I hope you liked their first date.

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