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i don't think i spelt his name right

lemon (fr this time)


It was like a day of any other in the House of Lamentation. Everything was peaceful like always, brothers failing and school , Mammon screaming while Lucifer chases him because he stole his credit card , Beezlebuub eating the fridge dry , Leviathan crying and doing a ritual for Ruri-chan (?),Satan reading books and planning to marry one of his favorites.
M/N has gotten comfortable with the new daily life he has to deal with.

He also became really good friends with your one and only Belphie . He just hung around his room most of the time , played games with him and also slept in his bed multiple times (not like that you nasties) . He also expected M/N most of the times since he came over so much.
This day was no different. M/N walked up the stairs over to Belphie's room. He had a new game he wanted to show him. You decided not to tell him since he thought he would be expecting him by now.

M/N reached the top of the stairs and he headed over to Belphie's room, the fifth time that week.
He only stopped after hearing what seems to be soft moans . Of course M/N got hard after just a few seconds.

On the other hand, Belphie was busy pleasuring himself with a nice dark blue dildo . He was unaware of his best friend standing right outside the door.
He didn't really expect for M/N to be here earlier than he expected , and thought he was busy with something.

M/N kind of just waltzed in his room and stared at the sight right in front of him . His best friend was riding his 'joke' present for his birthday.
He didn't think he would walk in on him actually using it. None the less,it truly was a surprise.


He turned to look who walked in on him and his eyes widened when he saw a very flustered M/N.

" Oh. This might be awkward,but c-can you help me? It's a b-bit much to handle..~"

Y/N was even more surprised now. He didn't expect that his best friend is offering to fuck him , but M/N also had a crush on the sleepy demon as well. This was a chance he would not miss for anything.

"If you say so~"

He walked over to Belphie's bed and took his clothes off. He left his boxers on just for fun. M/N took his best friends chin into his hands and slowly brought their lips closer together.

As your lips finally touched , you gently took his member (😔) into your hands and started fondling and teasing him. He placed his thumb over his slit and started rubbing his other fingers around the tip. He let out soft moans into the kiss you were having at the moment.
Both of your tongues swirling together and the teasing just drives Belphie into more pleasure.

" M/N j-just fuck me already~ "

" I don't think so just yet~We need to get you ready don't we? "

You smirk. Your hand slowly made it's way to his mouth and he knew what to do immediately . He opened his mouth you stuck your fingers into his mouth . He sucked and licked them trying to get them wet as fast as possible. Once you decided they were nice and coated,you took them out.

" M/N please~ "

He says, sticking his ass more into that air. You were surprised at his actions, mostly because he  had never acted like this in front of you. Either way , you complied and shoved your fingers into his wet hole.He was already stretched out from earlier,but it still wasn't big enough for the real thing.

" Ah fuck... More ~ "

You added a fourth finger and stretched him for a couple of minutes before taking them out. He whined at the loss of your fingers,.but that was soon replaced with a loud strained moan after you have shoved in your dick right on his prostate.

"NGH~ S-SO.. BIG~"

You grunted as you went faster , letting out hard breaths to the tightness of his hole . His moans and his ass were driving you even crazier. Even this moment had surprised you more than arriving at Devildom.

With one last thrust and Belphie cumming for the second time , you cummed inside of him , letting out a deep moan because of the warmness inside. Belphie was trying to catch his breath , when suddenly you flipped him over and thrusted inside again.

" You didn't think we were done huh?~ "

" AH F-FUCK~ "

You and him did multiple rounds lasting hours, since you had a high stamina this didn't really bother you. Poor Belphie was being teased and overstimulated , making him sensitive wherever you touched him.

You only stopped when you saw Belphie looking tired. You pulled out and picked him up in your arms,taking him to the bathroom.
You gently set him down on the tub and turned on the water. After it was filled , you got in with him to clean him since he was too tired.

Then you drained the water and got out , taking the sleeping boy into your arms as well .
Y/N them set Belphie into the bed , making sure he was comfortable. After he saw dissatisfaction on his face, you laid down next to him , pulling the soft covers, covering you and him.

"I love you M/N.."

"I love you too Belphie."


uhm so yeah

started this one yesterday and didn't have any ideas after

first time writing full on lemon


word count; 960

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