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"Bitch I swear to Asahi if you tap that pen one more time...."

"What. I'm trying to think here" Tsukishima rolled his eyes as he was trying to learn 3rd year math,

I rolled my eyes back as I let out a deep exhale, "At least try to think without tapping the pen."

He didn't respond and continued to try solving the math,

Before he finally gave up slamming the pen on my table

"I give up. You solve it" he flipped the paper to my side,

I gave him a bored look, "I'm a STEM student, the hell do you think this is? Kindergarden shit?" I asked him, taking the pen,

"It's not fair for someone who's in their second year. I'm not even in college prep" he reasoned

"Well you obviously can't solve a third years math when I'm in class 7 college prep" I said and started solving it myself,

"Whatever, so about that Suna guy, I've met him before" he said watching me solve my math,

I raised a brow at him, "met him how?" I asked,

"Volleyball? Duh, what do you think" he flicked my forehead,

"Ow-! Hey you don't gotta do that" I glared at him rubbing my forehead,

"But I mean I guess? That makes sense" I said nodding a bit, and putting down the pen,o

"Mmh yeah, the other guys probably know them too, maybe they just didn't recognize him" he shrugged,

I hummed in response, "oh right-

"KENMAAA!!!!" I yelled, making the house shake and Tsukishima to cover his ears,

Quick footsteps were heard and my door bursted open, a panting Kenma arriving at the scene,

"What?!" His voice cracked as he yelled,

I gave him an innocent smile, and held up my book, "can I see yours?" I asked,


"Fuck you" he groaned walking away,

"Wait wait- what's 'er name again?" Atsumu asked wanting a confirmation on to what he heard,

I sighed, "L/n." I repeated,

He suddenly gasped, "I know who that is!" He exclaimed

"Who?" Osamu asked, "is she a fangirl?" He added,

Atsumu shook his head rapidly, waving his hands, "she doesn't even live 'ere, she's one of Bokuto's best friends,"

Oh how lucky of me, met a girl who's friends with people I know,

But— what does he mean she doesn't live here?

"What do you mean she doesn't live here? She seemed to know Hyogo pretty well to me" I said,

"Ah well, Bo told me that L/n-san comes 'ere every weekend, even told me to watch over 'er if I ever see 'er, which I never got to do since Hyogo's huge as fuck—

"Mhm and?" Osamu cut him off wanting the story to finish already,

"She's from Tokyo, Kenma's 'er neighbor and apparently they've known each other for almost 12 years" He emphasized the years,

"Oh so she's a city girl" Osamu mumbled,

I frowned, so I would only possibly get to see her during weekends, with a chance as low as 5% in 100%,

"But don't worry, ya' said ya' got 'er number right?" Atsumu gave me a smug smirk, wiggling his brows,

My eyes slightly widen as I remember,

I got her number.

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