Mother's Day

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One Shot Story


Luna Marie Santiago's POV

Being separated from your own child was too much pain for me who was his mother.
Even if you are already talking closely, he doesn't even know you as a mother, he knows you as a friend of 'his mother'.


"Tita!" I turned to the boy who called me tita. When I turned around I saw the boy running towards me. Running towards me with a super happy smile.

I saw behind him his father with a happy smile as well.

"Hello baby! How are you?" I asked the boy once from him when he could get close to me.

"I'm okay, tita. I miss you!" said the child who made me look ugly.
"I miss you too, baby." I told him with a smile I hugged him.

"So, what are you doing here, huh?" I asked the boy with a smile as I kissed his fat and reddened cheeks.

"I'm here to tell you something, tita." he laughs in response to me.

I frowned at what the boy said.
"And what's that?" I asked the child with a smile.

"I'm planning to surprise my mommy tomorrow. And you need to help me for that, aunt." for a moment I lost my smile because of what I heard but I also put it back so that the child would not notice.

"S-sure baby, what can your tita do to help you surprise your m-mommy?" I was a bit stunned by the question.

The boy smiled broadly because of what he heard from me.

"You just have to stand there in the place where daddy and I will surprise mommy. Daddy will take mommy there then you will be the one to throw Confetti after mommy enters. Hihihi." the child said with a giggle.

I wanted to cry because of what I heard but I refrained from crying in front of the child. So I looked at his daddy who was looking at us with his son. He just smiled at me and he mouthed sorry to me and I just smiled back at him.

"Okay baby, I'll follow." I just told the boy.


The next day I went to the place where the surprise that Uno (the boy) said would be held.

When I got there I saw him and his father arranging decorations.
I faked a cough to catch their attention and they turned to me.

"Hello mo-tita!" Uno greeted me.

"Hi baby!" ani ko

"Hello Luna." Drake (Uno's father) greeted me so I greeted him too.

"Auntie, daddy and I are going to pick up mommy. The confetti, tita don't forget. Hihihi." Uno giggled.

"Okay baby." I just said and the father and son said goodbye to me.

It hurts so much for me that my own child recognised me as his Tita, not as his Mother.

I looked at the decorations of Uno and Drake that should have been mine.

I touched the sign that said 'Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!', That should be me.

'Ang sakit sakit'

My tears began to flow.

Just a few minutes later I heard footsteps so I quickly wiped my wet face from crying. They are already there. I accept that, that they won’t really be mine.

I turned around and saw Uno holding flowers as he ran towards me. Drake was behind him, smiling.

My forehead furrowed when I couldn't see Jasmine, my friend and Uno's 'mother'.

"Where's your mommy Uno?" I asked Uno as he stopped in front of me.

"She's in front of me. Hihihi." he answered with a giggle.

"Wha-" I was cut off when Uno suddenly shouted.

"Happy Mother's Day Mommy, I'm sorry we took so long. I love you!" Uno said then kiss me on my cheek.

I could no longer stop the tears from dripping from my eyes.

"Happy Mother's Day, Mahal. Uno and I love you so much." Drake also greeted me which made me cry even more.

I hugged them while crying.
"T-thank you so much, I love you so much too." I cry in response to the two.

This is the happiest day that has ever happened to me.

This is my first time writing a One Shot story so bare with me. Sorry for the typos and errors.

Happy mother's day to all moms in the world.

Thank uu so much for reading. And don't forget to Vote, Comment and Share.


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