important !

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{ authors note }

- this is my first story so im so so sorry if its not the worst best i have just had a lot of inspiration recently to write a story so this is my first attempt at it : )

- im going to be trying my hardest to write this really well so its an enjoyable story to read

- im going to make a playlist that fits the theme for this book for people listen to while reading this book and i will link it when im finished making it

- and also if the storyline is basic im not the best at thinking of ideas😅

- and my bad if there is bad spelling / grammar mistakes i am badly dyslexic and have no time to proof read over my books so i cant check for any mistakes : , )

- there may be slow / slower updates aswell because i am very busy with school work at the moment so dont have all the time in the world to update so i will be writing and updating when i can

- just a warning i might be slightly off on some facts in this story , i havent watched harry potter in a while and i am just going off of memory / what i remember from it

- i will be accepting any dms / comments for help on my story

- i am also not sure if i should write a content warning chapter, i probably will at some point when i have some free time : )


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