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     I stand there frozen, staring at Kirishima on the ground in the distance. My body feels as cold as ice. Mina and Denki run over to him and I finally start running up behind them. I blast my way over there, ahead of them. What the hell was he doing? I land beside him and kneel down. I start shaking him gently.
        "Shitty hair! Wake up, dumbass!" I say. He doesn't move. Mina and Denki stand behind me. I shake him more. "Kirishima! Wake the hell up you damn idiot!"
      Finally his eyes start twitching. I stop shaking him and he opens his eyes. He looks at me.
        "Shitty hair! What the hell were you doing!?" I yell at him angrily. His eyes start filling with tears.
        "I... I thought that I could... beat them.." he says.
        "Beat who?"
        "I-It's fine... it doesn't matter." He wipes away his tears and sits up a bit.
        "What the hell do you mean it doesn't matter? You were passed out and you're all beat up!"
        "It was just an accident," he says. "Let's just go back."
        "No, you're gonna tell me wh-" Before I can finish my sentence, I hear a slam behind me. I turn around and Denki and Mina are passed out on the ground. I look back at Kirishima and he's back on the ground with his eyes closed. I stand up quick.
        "WHOEVER DID THAT IS GONNA PAY!" I scream. As I stand there waiting for someone to try to attack, I feel a sharp pain in my leg. I start feeling weak. I try to hold myself up, but I can't. I collapse on the ground and everything fades into darkness.

.  .  .

      I start waking up slowly. Everything is blurry. I look down and I'm all locked up. Everything starts becoming less blurry and I look around. I know exactly where I am. I know who caught me. It's all happening again. I look beside me and Kirishima is locked up the same way, he's still passed out. How the hell is this happening? What did he do? I wanna kick him to wake him up, but I can't.
        "Kir-" I stop myself. I know that if I talk, they'll probably come in the room. I wanna find out why we're here before the idiots decide to come in here and try what they did last time. It doesn't matter how many times they try to convince me, it's never going to happen. I swear those fuckers don't have a brain.
        "B-Bakugou?" I hear a few minutes later. I look over and Kirishima is looking at me. "Where are we?"
        "Oh, we were kidnapped by the villains." I say angrily. I feel like screaming at him, but I don't want the freaks coming in here yet. Kirishima looks down and yanks his arms, trying to escape.
        "You can't get out of these, idiot." I say. "I've tried."
        "I'm sorry..." he says, still looking down. "I was just... angry at them for a reason."
        "Well... it turns out that Toga transformed into that girl and kissed me. They were trying to get us to come after them so they can catch you... or us."
      My eyes widen. Why the hell didn't I just let him tell me the truth!? None of this would have happened! I look down and away from him, angrily. "Tch... sorry."
        "Sorry for what?" He asks. "I'm the one who should be apologizing. I shouldn't have went out there alone like that. I shouldn't have went out there at all."
        "Yeah whatever... but I should have still listened to you. None of this would have happened if I would've just let you talk."
        "It's okay, I understand" he says. I turn my eyes to look at him and he smiles. Suddenly we both look up to see the LOV walking in. They have that stupid grin on their faces.
        "Bet you didn't expect this, did you?" Says Dabi. I give him a hard glare.
        "Yeah, we thought that we were just gonna bring Bakugou back... but we decided to bring his boyfriend, too." Says Toga. She grins at me and Kirishima. I wanna murder all of them right now. This is bullshit. It's the second time that I've gotten kidnapped. I feel like I could never be the number one hero like this.
        "If you idiots think that we're gonna do what you want us to do, you must have a rock for a brain." I say.
        "Oh, we can easily deal with that." Says Dabi. "Feel that hard thing around your neck?"
        I didn't even know that it was there, but now that he pointed it out, I notice it. Any tighter, I would be choking. Me and Kirishima look at each other and we both have it.
        "We upgraded the seats." He says. "If you chose to disobey, I can easily click one little button, and that necklace around your throat will shoot out long spikes and kill you."
        Me and Kirishima look at each other. I can see the terrified look on his face. A small part of me starts feeling almost the same way. We're screwed this time. I glare at the LOV. "What do you want?"
        "We have a mission for you both. Since, ya know, you both work well together." Says Dabi.
        "We're never gonna be apart of your horrible league!" Says Kirishima.
        "Oh, don't worry. You won't be apart of it. You'll just be helping us out." Says Dabi, grinning.
        "Go on with it!" I say.
         "Alright, then." Says Dabi. "We just need you both to go grab All Might and Izuku for us."
        I chuckle. "Yeah, right." Dabi looks at me and holds up the remote to the collar around my throat. He rubs his finger over it gently. It feels like my heart skips a beat.
        "Whatever, whatever!" I yell. "Why the hell do you want them here, anyway?"
        "Just for a fun little hangout. They'll be having the most fun, though." Says Toga, giggling.
        "What do you mean by that?" Asks Kirishima, glaring at them.
        "We'll be doing what we're doing to you guys right now in the chairs, but there will be torture. Fun torture." Says Toga.
        "Yeah, and you two will be watching the entire thing." Says Dabi.
        "NO! WE'RE NOT LETTING YOU DO THAT!" Yells Kirishima. I look over at him.
        "SHUT THE HELL UP! DO YOU WANNA DIE RIGHT NOW?" I yell at him.
        "Or you could both die if you continue." Says Dabi, holding up both of the remotes with his fingers hovering over the buttons. Me and Kirishima shut our mouths. I would be trying to escape and kill them, but I can't do anything I wanna do because of this stupid collar. I feel fucking useless.
        "What if we don't go along with the plan?" I ask.
        "Oh, you will. Because you'll have this thing on your back when you leave. If you're not back with them at a certain time, I'll click a button and a long, thick spike will shoot through you and kill you." Says Dabi.
      Cool. So we either go along with the plan or die. I'm screwed. This is all so fucked up. There's no way I can get out of this. I've never felt so powerless.
      A few minutes later, they let us up. The things are on our backs already.
        "What if I just take it off?" Asks Kirishima.
        "You cant." Says Toga. "You don't wanna know what happens if you try do, or do."
      I roll my eyes. "When are we supposed to be back, fuckers?"
        "Tomorrow night." Says Dabi. "It's about 3:00 in the morning now, so you've got about 19 hours."
        "Whatever." I say. I walk out and Kirishima walks out behind me.
      "I can't believe this is happening.." says Kirishima. His voice sounds shaky. I don't respond. He comes up walking beside me. Suddenly, he gets in front of me and we stop walking. He hugs me.
        "I'm sorry..." he says. I can hear the sadness in his voice. "This is all my fault."
        "It's not your fault." I say. "If I wasn't the way I am, everything would be different."
        He stops hugging me and stands in front of me. "You're perfect the way you are, they can't change that."
        "No, I'm not." I say. What I'm saying doesn't even sound like anything I would say. It's like they added another wave of... something over me again. Kirishima puts his hands on my shoulders.
        "This is changing you a lot right now... isn't it?" He says slowly. I don't respond. I just look down at the ground with a frown on my face. He slowly leans in and gives me a hug. I stand there, not moving for a little bit. Then, I lay my face into his shoulder. I feel nothing but sadness and anger right now, and I'm not ashamed of it this time. I feel Kirishima's warm tears on my shoulder. I feel my eyes start feeling up with tears, but they don't spill out.

      ...What the hell am I supposed to do?


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