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thx for reading 🙏 (once again)



M/N was excited to see his bookworm of a boyfriend this morning . You were head over heels for this man , to the point you where you felt sad if he even left the room.

So just to be clear , you were just extremely clingy .  The poor man barely had anytime to rest his head for a little . Satan didn't complain though , he actually kind of liked being around you all the time.

This daywas no different than every other . You and Satan waking up and cuddling each other for a bit more time before getting up and heading to the kitchen to cook some breakfast for yourselves and the other brothers.

" Hey M/N ,do you want to go see this new cat cafe they just opened up? It sure would be nice to have a lunch date there "

" I have a feeling it's only for the cats "

" How'd you know? "

You both give off a chuckle at the little joke he said. Neither you or him would trade this life for the world.


You both get dressed and go out of the House of Lamentation. It was like time flew by as it was already time for the lunch date.
You were dressed with tan pants,a white polo shirt and a checkered vest matching the outfit.

Satan was dressed with a white turtleneck top,black jeans, and some black boots.
(you both be styling)
You decided to wait for Satan outside as he said that he was going to get his phone and money,even though you insisted that you pay for both of them . Needless to say , he was still stubborn and went for his money anyway.

" Hey M/N! "

" Oh hey love!Are you ready to go yet? "

" Yup! I also got some cat treats just in case they will let me feed them "

" It kind of sounds like you're trying to tame them "

" Maybe because I am "

You both bonded really well and before both of you knew , you had arrived at the cafe . Satan squealed at the sight of a very fluffy black cat through the window . M /N giggled and went on inside, pulling a very childish demon as well.

M/N started talking to the receptionist and Satan was playing with some cats.You got a table and pulled him along with you.

" Leave those cats alone , you need to eat something "

" No I don't.I can live without eating you know "

" You can't though , so eat "

He grumbled and set the cat down and ate as quickly as he could. He was determined to keep playing with those cafe cats . You chuckled and set your drink down. You decided to play with him since he looked lonely with just the cats somehow.

" This one looks like you M/N "

" Nah , this orange one does. "

" No, this one looks more like you "

" Fine , then this one looks like you "

You say, holding up a very angry looking but small cat in the air.

" I'm going to take that as an insult "

" I'm sorry I just can't take you seriously when you're mad "

You both had a fair share of giggles and chuckles , before Satan pecked you on your cheek.

You laughed and started playing with the Satan looking cat you held up earlier . It seemed like it had warmed up to you . Very much like the real one.

M/N looked up to look for his boyfriend,and found him with at least half of the cats inside the cafe .

" Honey , are you sure you're alright? You look like you're suffocating "

" Am ofay (I'm okay) "

M/N gave off a little sigh and pulled his boyfriend out of his cave.

" I think our time is up by the way."

Satan upon hearing this automatically felt his knees go weak and slum.
You had to pull him up and drag him out, leaving a tip to the receptionist as a thank you for tolerating their behavior.

You both left and made your way back to The House of Lamentation.
Before you walked through the door , Lucifer opened it for you. Both of the lovebirds knew they were in big trouble since they forgot to ask him for permission to go out , also since the sun had started setting.

" Please spare us.. "

" We didn't do anything bad.."

And those were the last words the lovers ever said.

how long has it been

i don't really know

anyways here's a little story as a sorry

i had some things going on

Word Count : 766

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