Living amongst humans and not having a driver's license is quite the inconvenience when you're on the run and are avoiding all magical modes of transport.
Rouges like Q could have a network of informants all over the magic world, and so I've resorted to rely on human resources.
Hence why I'm getting on a bus with Archer in tow, our lives condensed into two carry-ons, our groceries left in a donation box and only a few snacks taken with us.
Like procedure, Archer hurries to the middle of the bus, scooching to the window seat and plopping down, opening a book he made me buy 2 towns ago. He decided he was going to be like me, reading throughout the bus ride instead of sleeping, but of course he's a child and eventually falls asleep.
Staring out the window as we wait for the bus to start, I thought I could feel something getting closer. Something desperate and full of sadness, it was Q, I just know it.
**You're making a good decision,** Claris's voice suddenly filled my mind, knowing of the doubt I feel about leaving again.
**Thank you,** I sighed to myself, feeling a light bump on my arm as Archer shifted in his seat so he could lean against me as he read.
Wanting to ask him about his book, I held back, looking how entranced he is by the story.
It was one about some kid who turned out to be a son of a god. I didn't really look into it, just making sure it was for kids.
Satisfied that Archer is entertaining himself, I pulled out my own book, one of some sort of murder mystery.
I tend to like books like these, perhaps it's due to the unpredictable twists and turns which I cannot really predict.
"Hey Marina?" Archer whispered as the bus started up, driving us to our next unknown location.
"Yes?" I whisper back, flipping through my book, losing interest in the plot as it seems to be going nowhere.
"Why can't I see my real mother or father?"
I froze, unsure how to answer his blunt question. Going with a hesitant, "Well, I thought it was best for me to take care of you until you're old enough."
"Did my mom and dad think that too?"
This I couldn't answer, but I fibbed some sort of answer, "Well your dad didn't want me to leave, but your mom was fine with it."
"Well your mom wasn't ready to be a mom," I paused, "But she loved you very much," I added, trying to make sure he was comforted. Though Elise was always going to go crazy, obsessed with Q and believing Archer was the reason for their division.
Elise was always abusive to Archer, causing that scar on his chest that will never heal. It was her wolf rejecting a baby that wasn't made between her and her own mate, and Elise in her broken mind she suppressed the memories of hurting her baby.
Though I pity the poor woman.
Thrown out of her pack for reasons that eluded me, but she definitely needs help.
**She's a nutcase,** Claris growled, not liking that she hurt our precious Archer and also lusting after our mate. She's angrier at the former though.
"What about my dad?" Archer questioned, putting his book down and getting up to look me right in the eyes. There was so much likeness in Archer to Q. Their dark blackish brown hair and purplish eyes. Almost nothing of Archer resembled Elise, which is why I assume Claris grew so fond of him so quickly.
"Well your father and I were good friends, so he trusts me with you," I explained, unsure if this actually answers his questions.
"Did he want you to leave?"
"No," I answered honestly, "He didn't but it was better for everyone if I left."
"Oh." Archer's brows furrowed thinking about what was just said.
Despite being only 7, he's incredibly bright. I managed to squeeze in a few lessons to teach him basic math and reading skills but I can't replace an actual education since I stopped going to school when I was 14.
"Here," I try to cheer him up, and also distract him, handing him the chocolate candy bar that he wanted from the store, an instant reaction of his face lighting up.
"Thank you!" He cheered, hungrily prying open the bar and basically inhaling it.
I don't even know if he chewed.
With that he was hyper for a few minutes, quietly but quickly pointing a bunch of things out of the window before crashing down from his sugar high.
Sighing I adjusted him so he could rest on my arm again, taking a blanket out of my backpack and putting over him. Looking out the window I could see the sun setting, already long out of the town we were in for only 3 days.
Archer didn't even unpack his suitcase, probably used to the fact we're on the move earlier and earlier.
I found myself finally growing tired, my eyelids blinking slowly as a wave of sleepiness was about to wash over me.
I jolted awake, Archer mumbling a bit to himself but quickly fell back asleep.
**Did you hear that?** I asked Claris, looking around the bus to see only 5 other tired travelers.
**Yes,** her voice sounded concern, **It's almost sounded like-**

Reject, A Continuation (discontinued)
WerewolfNo one should be able to see the future. The future should just be experienced first hand, not anticipated before hand. Sadly, there was one who was cursed with this ability. Her name is Marina and this is her story, and how it ends. On the run for...