"It was determined before any of us were born, when the Moon Goddess banish the Silent King to the underworld. The King swore he would return one day to wipe out the Goddess's children, werewolves, and rule over the mortal world. So the Goddess began to plan for the King's inevitable arrival. It will begin with a seer, able to see when the King breaks through his prison. The seer with then be in charge of finding the savior, and then the savior will protect the Key from the King's followers."
It was a very brief summary of my mission. But Q seemed to get the gist of it.
"So why do you have to die?" He whispered, his voice cracking like his own words hurt him.
I shrugged, "Because I fulfilled my purpose."
I could feel his hand get tense, tightening his hold on my hand but not so much that it hurt, "Then why did the Moon Goddess make you my mate? Just some sick joke?
"I cannot answer that," I heard my voice cracked too, and my eyes began to burn as hot tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Can't or won't?"
"I cannot, for I don't know," I finished my explanation with a sob, my composure completely falling apart, "I'm sorry Q, y-you don't deserve this," I sniffed.
"You're right," Q suddenly yanked me forward, pulling my right into his lap and my face right into his chest as I continued to weep, my tears stained his shirt as he whispered, "I don't deserve you."
I found myself clutching his shirt, clawing the back of it like he was going to disappear. Or maybe it's because I was going to disappear.
"I'm scared," I mumbled into his shirt, my deepest fears are boiling to the surface, "I-I don't want to die."
"I don't want you to leave me either," Q shifted us so I was sitting more comfortably on his lap, me legs dangling over the side of his thigh, "The feeling I had when you first left, I don't ever want to feel that again."
"I'm sorry," I repeated, moving slightly so I can wrap my arms around his neck, just basking in his warmth, "I just want to stay here, this moment."
"Me too," he sighed into the nook of my neck, once again sending the good kind of chills down my spine.
We sat there, just holding each other, not saying anything. This feels right, but also so temporary. Like this moment was a gift given to the both of us, and a gift that will be taken away soon.
"Can you promise me something?" I mumbled.
"Protect Archer when I am gone, please?"
He tensed, probably wanted to protest but deep down he knows that there will be nothing he can do when the time comes, "Okay."
I smiled, pushing off him so I could look right into his eyes. They were swollen, red, and unfocused, eventually slowly moving up to look right at me. He concentrated on my face, really looking deep into my eyes. Probably seeing right through my façade of bravery and staring down my fear.
"I know we didn't get a chance to talk those years ago," Q began, taking a hand and cupping my my cheek, "But I feel like I've you know you all my life."
I laughed, feeling my eyes water again despite my more happy mood, "The feeling's mutual."
He smiled, taking his other hand and placing it over my other cheek, pulling my face closer to his, our breaths mixing once again.
I unconsciously closed my eyes, just awaiting something that I've longed for a while.
Suddenly there was knocking, surprising both of us. I was the only one who jumped out of the two of us, Q just moved his hands to wrap protectively around me.
"Marina! We brought food!" Archer's little voice came from the other side of the door, and Q's response was to growl.
"Behave," I scold, unable to hold back my smile, "One moment!"
He finally let me go, staying on the bed as I quickly went to open the door, smelling the delicious smell of fried food. Archer was beaming up at me until he looked me right in the eye.
"Have you been crying?" He asked, about to drop the food but I squatted down fast enough to catch the bags before they hit the ground, simultaneously blocking the little boy from running into the room with my arm, "You made Marina sad!"
Archer struggled in my arms as I tried to plop everything down on the small table nearby. Settling on the ground I held Archer's shoulders tightly, ordering, "Archer look at me."
He calmed down enough to look me in the eye, looking like he was about to cry too, my sweet child.
"It's okay, I'm okay," I gave him my best smile, giving him a quick peck on the cheek which he didn't wipe away, "Your father and I were just having a sad conversation, nothing more."
Archer didn't seemed satisfied with that answer but I went into the bag and grabbed the biggest burger, no doubt for the little man, opening it and presenting it to him. It seemed to appease him slightly. Knowing Archer he'd wait for me to eat it with him, and judging how he hungrily took it from me I guess I was right.
"Thank you Zach," I say as I rise, patting Archer on the head before grabbing the only other burger in there.
"No problem," Zach shrugged, glancing at Q before nodding, "I'll be in the car if you all need me."
I inhaled my burger, definitely wanting a second but that's not what is important right now.
"Archer why don't you at least say hi to your father," I went back to try to be the mediator, seeing how we now have full-ish stomachs it might be easier to talk.
"Hi," he mumbled, seemingly more interested on his feet than Q.
"Hi," Q was just as gruff, probably just trying to appease me as well. He rose from the bed, walking over to Archer who remained seated, and crouched in front of him, "I'm Q."
"That's a dumb name."
I resisted the urge to scold him, only reactively snorting getting a quick side eye from Q. Playful of course.
"It is," Q shrugged, "Probably because I came up with it myself when I was about your age."
"What did they call you before?" Archer now looked into Q's eyes, genuinely curious.
Q laughed, like he had some inside joke, "Quintavious."
I almost laughed at that one, but Archer was giggly enough for the both of us.
"Q's much better."
"I agree."

Reject, A Continuation (discontinued)
Hombres LoboNo one should be able to see the future. The future should just be experienced first hand, not anticipated before hand. Sadly, there was one who was cursed with this ability. Her name is Marina and this is her story, and how it ends. On the run for...