Chapter Two

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Copyright © Little_Island_Dove, 2015

All Rights Reserved

Chapter TWO:

ARCHER LUCARRELLI LEANED back in an expensive, yet equally comfortable chair with a smug smile attached to his arresting face. Today was the beginning. The beginning of the end of the Rossovskaya's.

Seven and a half years he had waited for this. Ever since the Rossovskaya's ran his parents and him out of town.

Ever since they had killed the love of his life.

Holding the last items he had of her closer to his chest, he shut his eyes tightly as he let out a large breath, knowing these would be the only belongings he had of her.

One was an old, beautiful sapphire necklace, with diamonds dancing around the outskirts. The chain was thin white gold, which on the average woman's neck went down mid cleavage. But for some reason, Archer imagined Nikki with a long, delicate neck, so it only skimmed the tops of her breasts.

And the other, a grey tartan plaid scarf.

He pulled the scarf towards his face and breathed in, as his head and eyes lolled back.

Even after seven years, the scarf still held her scent. Such a clean, slightly perfumed smell of garden flowers.

He missed Nikki every day. Though he hasn't acquired full memory of that night or even a single memory of Nikki, he felt that it was right to avenge her.

His parents said that he and Nikki were attached at the hip. So much in love even at their young age, that was all they ever really said in concern of her.

Now at twenty-six, he was finally ready to find out the truth about what really happened to her.

It wasn't like he could ask his parents. They had been killed six years ago, in a devastating plane crash, taking not only their lives but his twelve year old little sister, Antonia, also. Even before their deaths, getting blood from a stone was easier than getting information from his parents.

If Archer hadn't been so engrossed in partying and fucking at the time, he would a have been on that plane. He would have died along with the rest of his family.

It took him a while to move on from that moment in his life, losing everything was enough to make him want to help people, but it was also for purely selfish reasons. If any cases came in about the Rossovskayas he would personally fight for them, though evidently it was them that found him.

Fate was a funny old thing.

Now here he was, in a fancy suit that probably cost the same amount as someone's yearly rent, playing a club tycoon for an unlimited amount of time, in hope that he can find something that could destroy the Rossovskayas once and for all, which he intended to.

One thing he had found out about the Rossovskaya's front the numerous police reports was that they liked to cover their tracks. Never leaving enough to directly link them to crime, if any at all, which Archer wasn't exactly sure if he should admire or hate with a burning passion.

Another thing he noticed was their whole image was what protected those most of all. It was their armour, their castle and their dragon, without it they would have been picked off years ago.

People are like cattle, they follow whatever is 'hot' at the moment and the Rossovskaya's were defiantly scorching.

Giving millions yearly to charity, gave single mothers homes until they got back onto their feet, gave money to local schools and schemes, opened good paying jobs to locals, they even helped out at soup kitchens. They did all these amazing things, yet never revealed too much, even their next words were secrets until they crossed their lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2015 ⏰

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