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It was 10am the next day. Jet lagged as ever, Tyler looked through his suitcase as if he was looking for treasure. The bags were filled with mostly clothes and creative items. Old Architectural magazines, his planning papers, laptop, and everything else.

Supposed to be meeting his mentor in 30 mins right in the center of paris, he made his way down to the front of the hotel. Everything caught his eye whether it be people or the arches of a nearby building.

He saw a tall skinny guy with brown curly hair holding a briefcase, wearing a trench coat, the guy pushed his glasses up his face and looked around for his car just like Tyler. Soon a large van approached that had the name of Mr.Alphonse's company, Tyler was told to look for it every morning.

The guy made his way to the same van. Left Tyler puzzled but still, he also made is way to the van. The stranger entered followed by Tyler. Both observing one another yet both stayed quiet.

"Bonjour messieurs," the driver spoke first.

"Bonjour," the guy said almost instantly.

Tyler debated whether or not he should also say it, but his accent would give off he's not from around here.


The van made it's way through the streets of paris passing by the Eiffel Tower, a few museum's here and there as well. T made a mental note to visit these places.

Halfway there the guy spoke.

"Travaillez-vous aussi dans l'entreprise?"
Do you work at the company as well?

He took off his glasses and folded them into his shirt.

Tyler nodded.

"Ah, I speak english as well if you'd prefer me to." He said in a light french accent. The guy held out his hand offering it to Tyler.

"It'd be helpful, but I'm working on my french, speak how you want, no big deal." Tyler responded.

Eventually the van stopped in front of a 6 story building. The sun was peaking through the clouds.

Alphonse Arc.

The elevator ride was quiet. They stopped on the 4th floor where they would find Mr.Alphonse looking over some floor plans with his assistant. The 57 year old man heard the noise of the elevator and quickly turned around.

"You two don't know how delighted I am to finally show you both my dream."

T and the still unamed guy followed Mr.Alphonse around his building.

"And here is where you two will work, compete, and brainstorm." He held his hand out to show off the decent sized room that had two desks and a big planning table right in the middle. On the door the names said, "Monsieur Baudelaire" and "Monsieur Cloutier."

Tyler noticed the name "Cloutier" and wondered if it was the guys first or last name.

"Did you say compete?" Tyler asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Oh, why of course," Mr.Alphonse started. "As you both know this is an internship, I picked the both of you to be under my wing for this season."

"Which means whoever does best in their endeavors while here, will get the spot on my team."

Mr.Alphonse's phone began to ring, he took the call and said his goodbyes to the two men with a smile on his face.

Mr Cloutier turned to T.

"Francois." He held out his hand.

"Tyler." He shook Francois's hand.

"Did you know about this?" Tyler asked.

"Yeah, just didn't know who I'd be competing with." Francois opened the door.

They walked into their office setting up their things. There was a big window towards the back of the room that let tons of natural light in.

T hung up some pictures of his favorite architects, he also put his record player on his desk and some other little knickknacks. Francois noticed the record player but didn't say anything. He figured T must like music as well.

2 hours had passed sinced they finished setting up. It was now almost 1pm. The company phone began to ring, Francois picking it up.

"En bas au 8?"
Down in 8?

"Puis-je demander de quel musée il s'agit?"
May i ask what museum it is?

"Est-ce juste....étudier ou planifier?"
Is jt just...studying or planning?

"Es-tu libre samedi Michelle?Je suis amoureux de ta voix...."
Are you free on Saturday Michelle? I'm in love with your voice....

Francois began laughing as he ended the call.

"Your a flirt huh." Tyler said chuckling shaking his head.

"Only for her." Francois walked over to his bag.

"They want us down in 8 minutes by the way, going to Orsay."


Ik it's not much but,
Reign in the next chapter!


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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2022 ⏰

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