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In the world of pro wrestling during promo insults are bound to happen,especially personal ones during one show you and MJF were cutting a promo

MJF:listen here you indie midget

You rolled your eyes hearing/seeing the insult all over Twitter

MJF:nobody here likes you,Nobody can stand the way talk,nobody can stand looking at your stupid dumb face And so when I finished the job at All Out,it's not just gonna be for me [Laughs] it's gonna be for everybody

Y/n:look,Maxwell,I get it,you're still mad about CM Punk wanting to fight me and Darby over you,your mad that your best bud Wardlow realize how much of a annoying piece of shit you are.And I know what's really eating you inside is the fact mark Henry gets paid more for doing interviews then what you have been doing for your entire stay here.

The crowd let out a loud oooh,making MJF a little frustrated

MJF:well,since we're on the subject of personal things huh,let's uh let's talk about your girl huh?

Your cocky smile begin to fade away the moment he mentioned Vignette

MJF:I mean I have to admit bud she a keeper alright,a real keeper,but don't you think maybe she's outta your league 
I mean am just saying[smirks] know she would be having a lot more fun riding me

The moment you heard that you began to punch MJF rapidly,punching and kicking he got out the ring and ran towards the back,you followed sute you hunted Maxwell down until Vignette grabbed you and holding you tightly

Vignette:Y/n! Calm down

Y/n:No!,let me at him!,am GONNA KILL THAY SON OF A BITCH!

Vignette would cup your cheeks and force you to look at her

Vignette:hun,calm down,you know I wouldn't leave you for someone like him

Y/n:ok..OK your right

You finally calmed down but your still a little pissed off

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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