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Arya wokeup and got dressed as she got dressed up she hurried and went to go get her morning coffee oh wait she doesn't drink it my bad but she went for her morning jog after she comes home and shower after that she hurries out the door going to walk around trying to not comprehend what happen last night she texted rieles she's ok getting an immediate response checking up on her as she strolls to the park she came across ... jace but she quickly went to go hide behind a tree ...

Arya: omg that was close wait who is he with ?

Arya: oh Maddison she said sadden

Arya: words they always win and I know I'll lose ...

Arya: bruhhhhhh she said breaking down sliding down the tree with her legs together as her face Barries...

Arya: and they're happy without me he's happy without me meaning they had to Be a thing since us...

Arya: Omfg 😔 why did he cheat on me Ugh I'll sit and cry till I feel nothing anymore

Time passed she felled asleep on the floor near the tree she hears someone so she's kinda of scared I mean it is dark time

Arya: um...

Jace: omg Maddison your so funny Maddie the baddie or mad Maddie ahahah

Arya: oh it's them ouch ... 🤕

Jace: did you hear something bc all I hear is you Maddie

Maddison: I have to get going jace thanks for today I'll be sure to catch up with your single self later even tho you been mine since 05 hehehe

Arya: ouch... 😞 why me ... she said tearing up a lot freaking punching the ground

Jace: Hello anyone there I hear something do you need help!?

Arya: oh fuck oh fuck he's coming my way

Jace: you alright ? Do you need a ride

Arya: no I got it I'll walk from here It's better than be around you

Jace: Arya...

Arya: don't Arya me when you couldn't even be there for me like you were her yeah go with ur Maddie the baddie or mad Maddie , no I didn't stalk I come here too for a good time a good time by myself now bye

Jace: well f you too Salazar


Jace: what are you saying that to make me feel bad for you just because I hurt you so selfless of you he said take back but not taken back because he thought about Maddison iseman

Arya: SELFLESS OK BYE she says Crying a lot at this point just wait till I get hurt than you'll miss me just watch just watch NORMAN

Arya than walked and crossed a street than some group of guys were behind her she was quiet frankly scared 😟 so the group of guys snakes around her

Guy1: hey mamas

Guy2: hey pretty thing

Guy3: mmmm

Guy4: eh let's push her she's crying and why would we want that

Arya tried to fight back but the guys pushed her causing her to get hit by a car as the other cars saw and called 911 and some random older couple put the guys in a lock down keeping them at no reach but the ground as police came and took them and saw camera recording of them on her not letting her have space to leave as she tries to fight back and run away they grab her tightly than seeing her cry before and more after they felt disgusted and pushed her into the streets moments later a car hitting her not intentionally but they quickly stopped and started panicking as a random couple hurried and pulled over holding down the guys as the driver who hit her helped the girl and seeing if she's ok as the passenger of that car held down one of the guys cussing them out for causing them to kill a girl or almost

She's at the hospital

News report of Cali resident


Lila: I'm Lila barra

Btw her mom and brother left to Puerto Rico 🇵🇷

Ashton: I'm Ashton comp but today we have sad news

Lila: a 21 year old Instagram , YouTube influencer has sadly been struck by car having 3 guys attacking her physically trying to escape them as they decided to push into the streets of 59th -58th street in the hospital with serious injuries police identify as 21 year old Arya salazar

Jace went home as his mom plays the news she went into shock with great emotions she always had a heart for Arya knowing she was sweet heart and keeping her son happy for the first time in awhile


jace: out with Maddison I told you

Jace mom: I thought you meant Arya my dearest sunshine

Jace: we over we brokeup yesterday she needs to get over it so do you

Jace mom: well I thought y'all were still together ... because I was gonna tell you on the news she got attacked and grope by 3 older guys and then they decided to push her to the streets where she later got serious injuries getting hit by a car she said a little worried

Jace: oh why you telling me this

Jace mom: I thought you would actually be nvm I see how and what kinda of guy you're I bet Maddie and Isabella changed you

Jace: mom is not like that ugh ...

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