- Chapter 12 -

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Narrator's P.O.V
Shaking their heads, both Seokjin and Namjoon stood up and started to say;

"No, we'll all stay with you."

Seokjin quickly said and Namjoon nodded as he said;

"Yeah, we could all hang out, like we used too, right boys?"

And although his brother seemed to have agreed to hang out, Jungkook felt that they were just doing it out of pity for him, so he quietly said;

"No, no you all must be busy today. You should all just go-- I'll be fine."

"But Jungkook-"

Hoseok started to say but was immediately cut off by his little brother;

"No, I mean it. I'll be fine. We can all hang out some other time!"

"Are you sure?"

Jimin worriedly asked as he put a hand on his brothers shoulder and Jungkook nodded and said;

"Yeah, I'm sure. I need to make lunch and then prepare dinner for when Yn comes home."

As he said this with a smile, his Hyungs all looked at one another as they knew that Jungkook was faking that plastered on smile but no wanting to fight in front of the kids, they all reluctantly agreed to leave and after saying their goodbyes, Jungkook was about to open the door for them, where there was a soft knock on, then just like before, his phone began to ring.

So with a small sigh, he answered the call and said;


As he hadn't bothered to check the caller ID, he was shocked to hear Cecilia's voice on the other end and he could also faintly hear giggling.

"Jungkook? I'm sorry to bother you but, are you by any chance free today?"

"I am. Why?"

"Well you remember the sign in sheet you filled out earlier?"

"Yes? I put my name, the date, the time and my address-"

Suddenly he stopped talking as the realization was setting in then he quickly asked;

"Are you... outside my house Miss Cecilia?"

[ Side note: I know that having Cecilia just showing up to a literally stranger's house is stranger's and creepy asf but you have to remember.. this is my story and whatever I say, goes.

Plus she's 28, the same age as Hoseok. And yes they will be a couple. And yes this is also a reference to: "My Winter Bear"
And she become like an older sister for both Jungkook and Yn and she helps them out when they need it later on soo yeah...

We stan Miss Cecilia. 😌💜

Let's get back into the story now 👀]

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