Chapter 31: how is Percy involved in everything?

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(so like, if you haven't guessed, most of the story would be from past Percy's pov because why not?)


THE NEXT PEOPLE TO STEP FORWARD were two men who looked quite opposite along with Bianca 2.0.

One of them, the shorter one, had a pale face and obsidian eyes. His super black hair were in a mullet and he wore a black t-shirt with rainbow skull, camo pants, black sneakers and an aviator jacket. He had light bags under his eyes and his pale cheeks were sort of pink. Like not the blushing pink, just pink.
I had no idea who this guy was. (Not me typing "gay" instead of "guy" here by mistake)

The other guy was much taller and had a bright smile on his face, flashing his super white teeth. His skin had a (probably) natural tan and freckles and his eyes were blue as the day sky. He was dressed much more casually than the other guy. He wore a simple v-neck white t-shirt under a plaid shirt and wore a pair of skinny jeans with white sneakers.

I looked over at Will Solace and this new guy and couldn't help but notice that they looked quite similar in manners and looks.

Looking over at the gods, I saw Apollo beaming and at the edge of the seat. The rest were looking at the short man curiously. Hades frowned for a second but turned back to his poker demeanor soon enough.

"Hey, everyone! I am William Solace but just call me Will. I am 25. Uh, Son of Apollo. I am currently working as a doctor in New Greece." He said. New Greece. Here it was again. I will ask them after the introductions.

"Hello. Nico di Angelo. Son of Hades. I am 25 and work as a professor at New Greece University." (I am sorry I couldn't find a profession for him😭)

That is Nico?! He looks totally different! His complexion changed for fuck's sake! What happened to him?

"And this little one," Will said while Nico picked up Bianca 2.0, "is our daughter. Bianca Naomi Solace-di Angelo." Will said with a smile.

I looked over at Hades who was analyzing both his sons (or one son from two timelines)

His eyes drifted to his daughter, Bianca who was sitting with the hunters. Both the siblings looked surprised at their parentage.

Hades eyes had softened. While observing his daughter, his expressions turned into shock and sadness for a split second but he changed back to his normal attitude hoping that no one noticed. Well, I did.

Hades turned to glare at Zeus who was looking everywhere but at his brother. Huh. I wonder what happened.

Persephone was looking at Nico and Bianca with calculating, narrowed eyes. She turned to glare at her husband but stopped. She must've seen something.

Surprisingly, the gods didn't give any special reactions. Weird.

"Oh, we're also engaged and will get married in two months." Future Will said with a blinding grin while Nico blushed.

Present Will and Nico were blushing furiously and Bianca was smiling while Apollo was grinning.

The family of three sat back down.

Next up was Aiden Valdez with a man and a woman and Esperanza in the woman's arms.

The man, who was around 5 feet 8 inch was thin and had elvish features. He had brown eyes which gleamed with mischief and hair of the same colour. He was smiling at Esperanza in the woman's arms. He was wearing the classic mechanic clothes: a dungaree covered in light soot which, surprisingly, had no pockets but a tool belt was etched to his waist. I guessed this man to be Leo Valdez.

The woman next to him had a pale face with beautiful, delicate eyes and soft features. Her caramel hair were in a fish braid. She wore a plain, white knee length dress qhich had very little soot on it but she didn't seem to mind. She had little, cute Esperanza in her arms who was playing with her holder's hair. I supposed this was Calypso.

"Hello beautiful people of the world, I am the one, the only, bad-" there were collective groans from the adults. "Just get over with it already, repair boy!" Someone yelled.

'Repair boy' muttered something in Spanish which I guessed wasn't very PG-13. "Ugh, fine. My name is Leo Valdez. I am 27 and a son of Hephaestus. I, along with my gorgeous wife, run a mechanic shop." He finished with a bored face.

Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Calypso and Thalia chuckled while Leo (from 2011) just pouted.

Older Leo noticed. "What is it, Sparky?" He asked with a smirk. Jason sent him a mock glare and Piper said, "Nothing, just the fact that the same thing happened last night with our Leo."

Both the Leos sighed dramatically and then looked at each other and laughed.

I could hear Hazel whispering, "No much has changed, eh?" to Frank who chuckled.

"I am Calypso Valdez and my mortal age is 26." Older Calypso started and the younger Calypso and Leo were looking at her in awe. "As Leo mentioned, we run quite a successful mechanic shop." She finished with a smile.

Looking over at the gods, I could see that they were confused as fuck. Zeus was fuming. "HOW DARE YOU-" Zeus started. Calypso interrupted him by sending a glare, but spoke calmly, "Well, Lord Zeus, Percy made you swear to free me off of Ogygia but you didn't tell me that you freed me so I stayed until Leo came again by risking his life and we left the island."

Wait. Percy as in me? How come? Upon seeing my confused expression, Leo from 2011 indicated that he will tell me later. Like, I knew that Leo rescued Calypso but how the fuck did I get involved?

Some of the gods didn't look very happy but Hephaestus was grinning at his son.

"Wait." Leo said suddenly. Everyone turned to look at him. "You mentioned opening a mechanic shop. You don't mean-" "Leo and Calypso's Garage: Auto Repair and Mechanical Monsters" Older Leo finished with a grin.

Leo and Calypso from 2011 grinned and each Inheritance and shared a quick kiss. Hephaestus was beaming wider at his sin.

"Honey, go on." Older Calypso (you know what? When they are adults, I'll call them O and their name or the full name.) smiled and urged Aiden.

"Uh, hello! My name is Aiden Sammy Valdez and I am 6. I don't burn and my parents are Calypso and Leo Valdez." He recited in a way you introduce yourself at school. He stepped back.

O Calypso, with baby Esperanza still in her hands, stepped forward. "This little one is our thirteen month old daughter, Esperanza Gloria Valdez." She said while Esperanza played with her mom's hair and O Leo had an arm around his wife.


And I am alive!

That was it for this chapter! I know it was crappy but I hope that you liked it.

Please vote, comment and follow! It would mean a lot to me!

Gryffinclaw Demigod.

._word count: 1199_.

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