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Dipper groggily awoke, with a stinging pain in his head. He scanned the room for his bubbly twin, Mabel. No sign. 'Must've already went downstairs' the boy thought. Clueless, he turned to his left to look at the alarm clock. "One pm already?" This wasn't like Dipper to wake up after noon, but somehow he felt like he was forcefully put to sleep... Suddenly feeling refreshed, he climbed out of bed and put his original outfit- an orange tee, with a dark blue vest and grey shorts-a on before adding his blue and white, cap which has a cyan pine tree stitched onto the front.
Before running downstairs, out of the basement they call their bedroom, he also stuffed a journal in his deep blue vest.
Today was going to be a good day.

Sorry for the short chapter! They will get longer. This is only short because this is my first chapter in my first book! :D I hope you all enjoyed. -cheesy

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