Chapter One

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y/n could hear the foot steps around her. she could hear the thick undergrowth rustle as the predators circled her. she closed her eyes and listened, and drew in a deep breath. Charlie was on her right, Echo on her left, and Delta behind her. Blue, the Delta of the pack(third in command), was in front of her. She opened her eyes to see Blue starring at her but she held her ground. Blue moved closer and the teen put her hand out in front of her, still not backing down. Blue took another step before standing up taller and tilting her head.
"That's right girl, you know me." y/n said as she took a step towards the predator with her hand still out. Blue called out to the pack and the other three ran to her and stood behind her. she walked closer and nestled y/n's hand. y/n smiled. this was her favorite training exercise with the pack.
y/n got out 3 fresh pieces of meat and gave each of the raptors behind Blue a pice in turn saying their names. Blue looked at her patiently waiting and she got out a thawed rat. "Blue, this one's for you." y/n said, tossing it in the air and watching the raptor catch it. then y/n nodded, giving the signal and the workers released the pig. the raptor pack all raced after it at Blues signal and y/n got to the gate as they where distracted on their hunt. Then she was on the other side talking to her brother.
"you got their full trust now." Owen said. he smiled at the 16 year old.
"yeah, i know. it's great! oh also what was that Clair was saying yesterday? about you being needed in the main park." y/n questioned.
"they need me for relocating the newest asset. But while i'm gone you will be going to the new camp." Owen informed her.
"Camp Cretaceous?!" y/n asked excitedly. just then a jeep pulled up and a lady with a red shirt and dark hair got out.
"Hello Mr. Grady-" she was cut off by Owen correcting her. "Owen." he said. "I'm Roxie, here to pick up y/n for Camp Cretaceous." She finished.
Owen nodded, "okay, go have fun and make some new friends." and with that y/n ran to the jeep and got in the back. they got to the docks and y/n got out to see 5 other kids and a man with a shirt similar to Roxie's.
"So sorry i'm late, had to pick up a camper. I'm Roxie. Head councilor of Camp Cretaceous." Roxie said as she got out of the vehicle. all the other campers looked at the other councilor, who y/n known as Dave, in confusion.
"Well, it's sort of a co-head counselor situation." Dave tried to explain.
       "Is it?" Roxie asked, signifying that Dave wasn't being honest.
      Dave cleared his throat and pulled out a clip board. "Anyway. Some of you won contests to be here, some of you got V.I.P. invites, but for the next two weeks all of you will begetting the five-star treatment!" Dave said, as a girl with pink hair in a bun, used her phone to record all of the teenagers around her. When she turned to y/n, y/n winked at the camera and gave a smile.
       "As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Jurassic World." Roxie said, earning cheers from the kids.  y/n and the pink haired girl, who she found out was named Brooklyn, high-fived each other before turning their attention back to Roxie, who continued. "As well as kayaking, rock climbing, obstacle courses, and of course..."
       "Dinosaurs?!" A boy said excitedly. Realizing what he did, he then shy'd away, looking at everyone nervously.
       "Yes...Darius, plenty of dinosaurs." Roxie said, checking her clip board for his name. "So, ready for an adventure?" She asked the group.
       "Absolutely!" y/n said.
       "Yeah, but I'm going to need that speech a little shorter, and really try to lean into the majesty of this place." Brooklyn said.
       Dave let out a laugh. "Okay, we're done here. Let's get the seven of you to camp!" He said. Just then, a nervous boy named Ben spoke up.
       "Um...there are six of us." He said, making Dave realize his mistake.
       "Wait. Dino-nerd, Track-star, Internet girl, Raptor girl, Barfy, Texas.... He's right. Where is seven?" Dave said, turning to Roxie, who looked at her clip board, before scoffing with an annoyed look. Just then, a helicopter appeared and landed on the helipad next to the docs.
       A boy who looked to be the same age as y/n stepped out, wearing shades. "Greetings my dudes. Kenji is here, so let the party commence!" He said, walking up to the group. He then tossed his bag to
y/n. "Put this in my room." He said, walking over to Darius. "So what's your deal?" He asked him, before y/n threw his bag at him, knocking him over.
y/n dusted off her hands, looking at Kenji, while walking over to Brooklyn.
      "Alright. Lets go!" Roxie said, walking towards the jeep. The teenagers all piled up into the vehicle. y/n and Brooklyn sat next to each other, exchanging phone numbers. A girl named Yasmina sat to the left of Brooklyn, with a girl named Sammy to the left of Yasmina, and Ben to the left of Sammy. Darius sat a seat away from y/n and Brooklyn and went to scoot closer but then Kenji sat himself in between the boy and the other two. the jeep started up and y/n fell onto Kenji, who put his hand on his seat to keep himself from falling. as everyone fixes themselves in their seats y/n quickly buckled up and the others followed.
"i hope you got my moms note, i don't do well on windy roads!" Ben said to the councilors driving as he gaged a little.
soon Brooklyn started filming again. " What's up Brooklanders?! It's your girl Brooklyn, coming to you from Camp Cretaceous! and look who i got with me!" she said angling her phone so y/n was in the shot. " It's y/n Grady! That's right, Raptor Girl." she said before pausing her video. "Okay, i need you all to say your names and a little bit about yourselves. Aaaaaaand... Action!" she said pointing her phone at Darius.
"Oh.. I beat this awesome Vr dinosaur game. Im Darius by the wa-"
       "i'm sorry, i just can't believe your Brooklyn and y/n! total Brooklander! and huge fan of yours y/n! oh also my family supplies all the beef to the park and that's how i got here." Sammy said cutting Darius off.
     "I'm a big fan of yours too y/n, but umm... what's a Brooklander?" Darius asked.
       "oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves." Brooklyn answered
       "umm, all 27 million of us!" sammy replied
       " yep. that's why these two are the only ones who gets to keep their phones. their famous!" Yasmina said, as she rolled her eyes.
      "hold up. rich and famous? ment to be!" Kenji said as he took Brooklyn's phone and took a selfie of the three of them. Then the jeep suddenly swerved to a stop.
       "what's going on?" Darius asked the counselors as they both got out with tasers.
       "nothing you need to worry about." Dave said, turning on his taser. "But you should all definitely stay in your seats."
       all the campers crowded around the edges watching, except ben who cowered whimpering next to the others.
       Then Darius turned around as the undergrowth rustled. "You guys..." he's said only getting y/n's attention. "Guys..." he said not getting anyone else's attention. then a compsognathus jumped out and nocked him over. Everyone screamed and jumped back. then y/n got back next to Darius. "woh" she breathed. then it ran and jumped out of the jeep into a blanket in Roxie's arms. "a real-life Compsognathus!!" Darius said as Roxie put it in a cat carrier.
       "oh pleas. it took a blanket and a cat carrier to catch it. boring." Kenji responded.
      "scared you pretty good" Darius said. that earned some giggles from the girls, and Brooklyn took a picture. at that Kenji glared a Darius.
       "alright. crisis diverted." Roxie said putting the compi in the back seat. everyone got back in their seats, and they started moving again.
soon a big wooden gate came into view. it had the words 'Camp Cretaceous' carved into them in big letters along with the outlines of different types of dinosaurs. "woh" y/n breathed as Sammy cheered "woo-hoo" and Darius yelled "Yeah.
       When they arrived, the group looked at the camp in awe, as they saw it was huge and located in the trees. Brooklyn took out her phone and aimed the camera at her and (Y/n).
      "Hey Brooklanders. check this place out!" Brooklyn said.
        "Is this not the most amazing place you have ever seen?!" y/n added, a big smile pasted on her face. Kenji walked up behind the girls. 
      "If you think this place is big, you should see my dad's penthouse in the main park." He said, attempting to impress them. The girls simply looked at Kenji, before looking at each other and shaking their heads. Brooklyn went to go film Yasmina, while, (Y/n) went to follow Kenji.
       "This place is almost as big as my family's ranch back home." Sammy said, still looking at the camp above them.
       "That's because, when we are up and running, the camp will house 500 kids and 150 staff." Roxie said, as she and Dave tossed the groups stuff up the stairs.
       "Listen up! Announcement time, from your co-head counselors." Dave said, making the campers move closer to the stairs.
       "Pst. Still not a thing." Roxie muttered, before continuing with the announcements. "Okay everyone, there's some ground rules to cover. Curfew's at 8:00 p.m., and lights out at 9:00 p.m. sharp." Roxie said, making the campers groan, and Ben secretly fist bump. "This is for your safety. We are in a dinosaur filled jungle, and  aside from y/n, none of you have any experience with these creatures." Roxie said. "You must always keep your distance, or you could be seriously hurt, if not worse." Roxie continued. This make Kenji groan, which earned him a slight slap on the arm from y/n.
      "Define worse." Ben said. (Y/n) leaned closer to him.
       "Yeah, you don't want her to define worse." She whispered, causing Ben to whimper and move closer to her. And she didn't mind this.
        "Cabins are up that-a-way." Dave said, pointing up above them.
      "First one there gets top bunk!" Yasmina said, pushing through Kenji and y/n, and running to the elevator. everyone chased after her including y/n.
as they where getting unpacked Dave and Roxie came into the room.
       "we have a surprise for you" Roxie said as she and Dave looked at all the campers.

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