Our first meeting

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(Quick disclaimer, not everything in this fan-fiction. Some things about the setting might change, thank you.)

"Alright, she's finally ready!" Said one of the workers. They had just finished making a brand new animatronic for 'Circus baby's pizza world'. Her name was Funtime Chica. She wasn't prepared before the release of the restaurant, so everyone decided to release her soon after.

"It'll take a quick minute for her to power on fully. When she does, she's free to exit and greet the other animatronics." Said another worker.

"Great, but what do we do now ?"

"We leave her here, she'll probably be smart enough to leave a room." Another worker replied. "Now come on, out lunch break is about to start." The two of the workers walked out, leaving Chica, laying on a metal table.

And finally, once they were gone, she powered on. And she felt great! She could see, she could speak, and she could move.
"I can't wait to meet the others!" She exclaimed.

(Cut to outside the repair room)

"Where is she? When is she coming?" Funtime foxy asked. "Be Patient," Ballora replied. "I'm sure she'll be here soon." Ballora, Funtime foxy, Funtime Freddy, and bon bon all waited for her outside of the repair room.

Just then, Funtime Chica walked out the repair room. The animatronics all looked at her.

After a short pause, Funtime Chica spoke up."Uhm, hello!" Funtime Chica said nervously. Funtime foxy screamed with excitement and quickly rushed to her, along with bon bon. They both started flooding her with questions and complements. They went back and forth with things like:
"I just LOVE your color scheme!"
"You're so well made!"
"How many workers did it take to make you?"
"I love your hair!"
"Your outfit is amazing!"
"You're very pretty!"
"What's it like to be able to hear, speak, and move for the first time?"

And Funtime Chica, being overwhelmed with just two of them, didn't know how to respond.
"I- uh.." Funtime Chica started, but then Funtime Freddy stepped in. "Relax you two, give her some space to breath," he said. "Hello, Chica! Welcome to circus baby's pizza place."
"Oh, thank you! It's nice to meet you all, and who might you be?" Funtime Chica said. "I'm Funtime Freddy, the small bunny is bon bon, the fox is Funtime foxy, and the ballerina on the back is ballora."

Ballora's POV:

I have no words, shes stunning! She's beautiful and kind, I can't even bring myself to greet her. What is this feeling? Something in me feels light and fluttery, is...Funtime Chica making me feel this way? I don't know how to deal with this, I'll introduce myself correctly later. I need time to clear my head. (This is the end of her pov lol)

Ballora walked away and into her room. Funtime Chica noticed and asked the three of them about it. "Why is ballora leaving?" Chica asked. "She's probably just shy, I'm sure she'll introduce herself later on. Now come on! I'll show you your room and stage!" Funtime foxy said. He then happily led Chica to her room.

Funtime foxy walked Chica into a big beautiful room with posters of her face and others all over. There were pretty light and streamers, and the walls were pink. She even had her own bed! (Animatronics don't really need to sleep, but they can if they really want to.😋)
"It's beautiful, I love it! Thank you for showing me Foxy!" Funtime Chica said. "Anytime! You can take the day to explore, the pizzeria is closed today. If you need anything, just let me know." Funtime foxy then walked out of Chica's room, and closed the door behind him.
Chica walked to her bed and threw herself on it. She lay on her bed and got comfortable, and soon fell asleep.

"All I ever wanted.." (Funtime Chica x Ballora)Where stories live. Discover now