This feeling

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Ballora's POV:

I don't understand, what's wrong with me? Why is this happening? I feel so strange, this didn't happen until Funtime Chica showed up. But I don't know what about her is causing this, her perfect body, her beautiful face, her lovely voice? Oh gosh, what am I saying? Why do I think those things? Why do I think so fondly of her when we just met? I didn't even say a word to her. Maybe I'm wrong for ignoring her, but I can't meet her now, not after...the way she made me feel. Not after...the things I thought about her..

I'll need to look into this, there has to be some kind of answer to the way she makes me feel.
(End of her POV lol)

Ballora grabbed a laptop from under her bed and looked up reasons for her feelings. And let's just say, the results...surprised her.

After reading the results, she felt different. "So, this feeling is called..'being in love'?" Ballora paused. "I' love...with Funtime Chica.." She whispered to herself. She didn't know how to feel, it felt good to say it, but something about these feelings She decided she would just brush it off, theres Not way she could be in love with someone she just met, right? 

Just then, Funtime foxy walked in. Ballora quickly closed the computer.
"Hiya, ballora!" He said. He then sat next to her. "Watcha doin'?" He asked. Ballora then sighed, "Nothing, don't worry about it." She said. "Well, what happened, You didn't say hi to Chica?" Foxy asked. Ballora definitely couldn't tell him what she had just discovered. "I- uhm, well..." Ballora couldn't find the words. "I was- I was just shy. Yes, I'm not used to new people, that's all." But of corse, foxy wasn't buying it. "That certainly doesn't seem like you, are you sure you're telling my the truth? You know you can tell my anything, right?" After think for a moment, ballora considered telling him, they were very close after all. But- no. This was something new and strange. She HAD to figure this out on her own."No, Funtime foxy. I can assure you, I'm fine. I'll greet her soon. I promise." Ballora said."Okay then.." With that, Funtime foxy got up and left.

Ballora then sat in her bed, thinking. What was she going to do? Maybe she really was nervous. Right! She didn't have feelings for Funtime Chica, she was just shy! The computer must have been wrong. With this new found confidence, Ballora went to meet Chica in her room. Happily, and NOT in love...(or is she?😳)

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2022 ⏰

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