chapter.1 litte mishaps

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Harry tries to hide his tears and the growing stain spread across the front of his pants he had wet himself again and Aunt Petunia certainly would not be pleased with him when she finds out not as if she ever is but it isn't like he could get up and clean the mess as he's locked in his cupboard

Just five more days just five more days until I leave for Hogwarts my third year at Hogwarts starts in just five days

This is the sentence that plays on repeat inside Harry's mine remind in him of the little time he has left with his relatives the little time he has left stuck in what seems like his own personal hell hole

He starts to quietly stop and realize how much of a freak he is

What is the horrible smell Aunt Petunia is very mad she seems to be upset with him for some reason whether he deserves it or not Harry curls up as far into the corner of his cupboard as possible fear coursing through his veins as realization hits him like a ton of bricks

She's going to Uncle Vernon at that moment the front door slams open to reveal a walrus of a man opportunist quick grab his coat and asked about his day but even quicker to tell him about what Harry has done in his cupboard

What he roars just before opening up the cupboard door so violently that Harry surprised it didn't rip off its hinges

No please I'm sorry I'll be good the small boy tries to plead with him as his arm is grabbed and bruising grip

You can learn not to be a freak even if I have to beat it out of you every day for the rest of your life you pathetic excuse of a boy

Harry had never been beaten so severely by his relatives it started off with Uncle Vernon getting Dudley from his bedroom to witness his shame while ordering his wife to grab one of the "baby" toys it wasn't until everyone was in place surrounding Harry and was verbally abusing him did the whip in Vernon's hand come down across Harry's back

Ow he couldn't help but a small scream at a sudden finding pain all although that proves to be mistaken as his foot quickly plants it's self inside of Harry's
rib cage

Shut up you ungrateful little worm this torture lasted for an hour ranging from punches kicks to whips and knives what are you boy Vernon's Market the boy

A freak sir the response is automatic the boy is trying to remain as calm and still as possible hoping upon hope that it would make the pain end sooner that was until the rest of his clothing is ripped off and crippling panics blows in his backside this had happened before both with his uncles and roommate at school but it never seemed to her any less unlike whoopings in punching where he could turn out the feeling and mean words this seemed to hurt from the inside out

Do in Harry thrown into his cupboard and lock in the pitch black only seeing light when he's being beaten he I knew you was different a freak even in the Wizarding World he curled up on his small cut and old baby blanket cluttering to his chest his thumb and his mouth he was always doing things that would benefit younger kids not a 13-year-old he wished not for the first time that he had listened to the Sorting Hat and ended up in Slytherin they seemed to care for and look out for each other Slytherin was also the

smallest house maybe if he had been in Slytherin then someone would hold him when he gets scared rocking when he wakes up from another nightmare he wished for someone to help him when he was not feeling any 13 year old and protect him from bullies of the other three houses not 1 Slytherin ever bullied him in the degrading way the other house is favored instead they chose more of the light-hearted teasing like he sees other kids do with their

close friends and family maybe he could ask me resorted it would be better than being used in every way possible from the money to the body by the other students in Gryffindor he silently cried about it sucking on his thumb and rocking himself back and forth to Soother himself or else he might get sick again in his uncle would not like that

The small dark-haired child soon fell into a deep sleep only caused by crying and being emotionally exhausted and t roubled his last wish just before falling asleep was that someone would come and protect him so that he would be able to be free and be his true self

For the last 2 years the Slytherin that kept an eye on Harry James Potter and protect the little as much as they were able to they even told their head of house the of suspicion of abuse from the relatives in the housemaid alike Severus agreed with their idea of the child needing saving healing the boys wounds while he slept all of the Slytherin house alumni and present student kept eye and ear out for the abused and scared little at all times even Tom having relatives his horcrux and putting his soul back together resulted in the return of his sanity he was concerned for the Potter heir

Lucius and severus were frantically looking for the boy along with cissy

Bellatrix had created a nursery. For the boy her sanity beging to return to her as well slowly but surely it was tom who had learned of dumdick lies and manipulative of the boy including his shorting as tom was head of the family due to his many titles his adoption of severus years ago and the marriage between Severus and lucius.And narcissa.

The boy account and unseal. And the wills he had brought. The inner circle with him hoping to at least figured everything out and not have to repeat himself multiple times

Lord Slytherin was seething as he read of what Dumbledore had taken from the boy Lucius took care or the

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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