1. (prologue)

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"you know, as untouchable as you think you are, i'm thinking you may take some heat for this one."

it was gnr's infamous axeman slash, and to his right, his seemingly brooding blonde haired stick of dynamite friend, duff mckagan.

duff was never one for rules. he was never one for anything civil, actually. he was the type to wear white to a wedding, spit in your face, maybe even tell you a pretty lie that could lead to some danger. it didn't matter. he would never reap the consequences either way.

"can't handle the heat, get out the kitchen," he replied, throwing a full beer bottle at the nearest head of hair to his right, not seeming to care if that individual was of the stature to beat his ass or not.

it was when the bottle made contact that a scream broke out into the rowdy bar, piercing the air and sending the signal of silence about.

more screams followed, and with that, the blonde haired menace decided he'd turn his head and take in the damage that had just bloomed. to his left, slash, eyes wide like saucers and mouth agape, stumbling to find the words for the sight presented.

the woman was clutching the back of her head, doubled over on the floor as blood rushed from it, leaving an everlasting red trail along the back of her, slowly seeping it's way into the floorboards.

"somebody call an ambulance!" someone had called, making their best attempt at getting their voice heard. to which screaming had no avail.

slash's mouth was still hanging open when he managed, "dude—"

duff had just stared. and was continuing to stare even as slash had a hand clamped to his shoulder, attempting to shake him from whatever damned state he was in.

slash's voice was muffled, repressed by the dizziness duff was feeling. "duff, what the fuck! why would you do that!? that woman— she could suffer some serious injuries!"

say something, duff had thought.

"she'll be fine," was all he managed.

"she'll be fine? she'll be fine?!", now slash was upset. deeply cut by the lack of emotions his friend was failing to show at a disturbing sight he had caused. would he ever learn?

"i'm so telling darren," slash had said, not really remembering the band rule of snitches get stitches. "tell 'em. we'll see if you live to see tomorrow."

cold november rain (duff mckagan)Where stories live. Discover now