Chapter 1

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Well this should be fun I though. At least I actually know these people. What sucks even worse we are only allowed two bag(any size) and of course I am the first one here! We were supposed to meet here at 4:00 and its 4:15. Why am I surprised? "Hey!" Emily yells walking down the road towards me, "where is everyone?" She ask. "That's what I was gonna ask you." I giggled hugging emily. We used to be best friends, we all did actually. But Antonio moved to North Carolina and me and Emily moved schools. I guess Matt Joey and ally and all still pretty close but I haven't talked to any of them since 8th grade and were in 10th now. After a good 10 minutes of me and Emily catching up Joey and Matt finally show up we are all really excited to see each other. "Chipmunk!" I yell, "Belle Belle!" Joey cheerfully yells back. After they finally get to where we were standing we all go in for a group hug and Emily trips and we all fall and then Ally comes running down the hill yelling "DOG PILE" and jumps on top of us. We all laugh and shake it off. We All start talking about old memories and are cracking up "remember that time we all terrorized belle with bug when we went hiking" Matt laughed. "Hey! That wasn't funny" I giggled playfully slapping him. We were all laughing and then we hear "hey what did I miss!" Yelled Antonio walking toward us. "ANTONIO!" Joey yelled. They were really really close. "Hey guys." He says giving each of us a high five. High fives were always his "thing" "I've missed you guys" Emily says. We all have one more group hug and start loading the boat. We weren't exactly forced to go on this trip but our lives aren't all that great and we missed each other so what the hell why not. We get on the boat. We all take off running wanting to claim the best bed room (even though there all the same). After we unpack we all head to the living room to see exactly what will be happening on this trip. We sat down on the couches and the TV began to tell us what was happening. "Hello guest. On this trip you will have a good time! Every week you will get stuff you need in the box. Stuff like chlothes, food, toiletries etc... This trip will last till we think you have had enough and are not enjoying it anymore. Who knows maybe you'll live here forever unless you give in and say I wanna go home there will be a smaller boat the next day to come and get you and take you home. This is not some place you are trapped you can go home anytime! Have guns and if you need anything push the blue butting under the TV." The TV the turned off and we heard a bell sound. We went to where it came from and it came from and box attached to the wall. Well this must be the box I thought.

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