CHAPTER 3: Good Descision..?

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I woke up to sun pouring in through the windows, giving a soft glow to my skin. I smiled liking the warm feel. My moment was ruined when someone knocked on my door.

Thor: are you coming down? Everyones hungry and you are the only one who knows how to cook.
I smiled, but soon it disappeared from my face when I remembered last night. I opened tbe door before I could realize I was only wearing underwear and a large Tee. I could see him trying not to look at me.

''erm.. Just give me a minute" I said

When I was ready I got downstairs I went straight into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast, eggs and bacon.

Just when I finished toasting the bread on the pan the boys stormed into the kitchen and grabbed the food. Rushing as if there wasnt enough for everyone. I rolled my eyes at the pigs. Even NATASHA!

"You're food is amazing"Thor said. I tried my hardest not to blush and in the hardest, coldest voice I could muster I said" then why dont you sit down and eat? "He tried taking my hands into his but I shrugged him off me "keep. Your. Hands. Off. Of. Me."

I waljed, straight to the control room. Not showing any emotion even though I felt really sad.

I heard footsteps coming towards me"NATASHA!" Thor called out, I tried walking faster but he was too fast"Is it about last night? Im sorry.. "

" I dont NEED this right now Thor! " I yelled" please.. Just leave me alone, I dont want this 'relationship' to affect the career I worked so hard for" feeling tears at the corners of my eyes I turned around

Thankfully he didnt touch me but he said something I had been dying to hear.

"can we at least be friends then? " sighing and pulling his soft, blinde hair into a ponytail he said" I dont think I will be ABLE to keep myself away from you. "

I ended the conversation with a" Me too and I would like that" Then I smiled and made my way to Nicks Office.

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