Part 5

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The next morning Licorice was sitting in the kitchen eating chips while Pure was making more tea.

"..what if dark enchantress finds out im here?" Licorice sat up in his seat. The thought had suddenly came to mind.

"She won't. This place is secret, and theres a spell on it to keep her away. She doesn't know this place exists." Pure said in a confident tone, "also we have guests today—"

"Again?" Licorice groaned. "Why do you get so many guests?!" He complained.

"Because people enjoy talking to me." Pure stated, "and I sort of rule the vanilla kingdom..?"


Pure laughed, continuing making the tea. Licorice put the chips away, and stretched, yawning. Then the doorbell ringed, startling him so much he fell out of his seat. He stood up rubbing his head, glad he had hidden the fact he was a demon with magic for so long. Just incase...
He hoped this magic would last.

Pure answered the door as Licorice walked up besides him, it was those stupid kids-! Ginger, strawberry, wizard, custard, however chili wasn't with them.

He hoped they didn't notice him. Meh. That hope was short lived as Pure finished talking, and one of the kids pointed towards him

Ginger pointed at Licorice and said- "hey!! It's that old rags guy!"


Pure put his hand on licorices head and messed up his hair purposely.

"HEY!!! MY HAIR- Pure.. WILL YOU STOP IT?!" He cursed

Pure looked at him and said while smiling "Licorice, be nice to the guests."

Licorice rolled his eyes but didn't say anything else.

"So he actually has a name?" Custard asked.

"OF COURSE I-" Licorice looked at Pure, "yes. I have a name."

"Well why's he here?" Wizard was the one to ask this time.

"NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS. If anyone needs me.." Licorice sighed "I'll be in the garden." He wanted to get away from the others, also wanting to see the sheep again.

Pure watched him leave then looked back at the four- "Ah.. I'm sorry about that. He gets mad really easily.." Pure said in a quiet voice, chuckling, just incase Licorice heard him.

Gingerbrave nodded, "it's okay!" His voice was confident.

"Mhm." Strawberry and wizard agreed

"it's okay!!" Custard said in a childish tone.

"Come on in! There's already tea and other stuff ready." Pure motioned for them to come inside and the four did, custard was looking around excitedly at the pictures and some of the relics in the halls. Wizard kept to himself and slightly glanced around as they walked, and ginger was excitedly talking to Pure.

"So- what is that uhm..what was his name- Licorice guy doing here?" Wizard asked.

"Oh, he um.." Pure tried to think of something to tell him because Licorice definitely didn't want people telling the truth about what happened. "It's nothing to worry about, wizard." he finished. Wizard narrowed his eyes but didn't say anything.

"So why are you here?" Asked Pure, changing the subject.

Ginger sat down and started explaining. "Well, the darkness created this..hypnotic potion. they've been trying to get other people on their side using it.." he sounded super concerned, however his voice trailed off as wizard walked away.

Licorice was sitting in the garden again— with the sheep Pure had let Licorice name Jay after one of his favorite characters from a show about ninjas— ( wink wink) He had a dark magic orb that was floating in his hand and he threw it into the air and watched it just explode- obviously bored.


Licorice screamed for a seconds, startled "oh- it's just you, hi Jay!!" Licorice hugged the sheep, sitting back up. The sheep knocked him down again, laying down. Someone poked their head around the corner, Licorice didn't notice yet. What he did notice was BEING SUFFOCATED BY A SHEEP—

"Hello?" Wizard stepped around the corner. "Ah." Licorice quickly sat up and pushed the sheep off him, then looked at wizard.. "hhhiiii?" He said awkwardly.

Wizard walked over, " know anything about the darknesses current plan?" He asked.

"Uhm. I haven't been there in over a week.. what plan in particular?" He tilted his head.

The sheep mimicked him, tilting its head aswell.

"The 'potion that can hypnotize people' plan." Wizard cleared his throat.

"...what?" Licorice sounded suprised.

"Is something wrong?" Wizard noticed the change of tone.

"They said they..canceled that plan.. you can't be serious."

Wizard shook his head.

"Well..what's in it for me if I tell you?" Licorice crossed his arms.

Wizard sighed. "C'mon. Just tell me about the plan." He sat down by Licorice,

Licorice threw a berry from the ground at him. "I'm not telling you."

"Oh my god, you are childish."

"I AM NOT." Licorice was super offended, the sheep just made another baa sound

" are." Wizard blinked.

"If I tell you about the plan will you shut up about me being childish." He sighed

Wizard nodded. Sighing, Licorice started to explain the plan, the chemical was made so they'd have an advantage in the war enchantress was now planning. Another war.

Wizard listened to the whole plan before standing up. "Thanks." And then he walked back inside.

"Pure! Ginger! Guys! I know what their plan is." He said walking into the kitchen.

"You do?! WHAT IS IT?!" Ginger exclaimed, almost jumping out of his chair.

"Mhm! I convinced Licorice to tell me." Wizard nodded.

"You did?" Pure sounded completely surprised. However, this could be a step to possibly getting Licorice to change his ways if he already told the darknesses plans..

Wizard sat there for the next 30 minutes explaining the whole plan and ways to counter it with ginger, Pure, custard, and strawberry.

This story may not be ending yet...but not everything goes happily..

Once in the forest.. (NOT A SHIP!!)Where stories live. Discover now