Chapter 4 - Fluttering feelings

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Talbott greeted the freezing night as he came out of the heat of his house; his whole body radiated a strong heat that always kept him warm. Only in the winter did he wear a few layers, yet he never needed a strong insulated coat to keep him from freezing. He especially welcomed the necessary cooling today. He didn't know why, but he didn't feel like himself in your presence. Was it because you're a stranger he barely knows only for a few hours? Or because he didn't know what to expect from you? Or was it because you attracted him in some mysterious way? He reluctantly lost his mind thinking about your wide smile you gave him all evening.

He stayed out until the manticora left. His dwelling was close to the centaurs camp, so most of the local creatures didn't dare stay nearby, let alone attack his house. As a result, most nights were peaceful, and he knew that once the hungry monster stopped having fun waiting, no more danger would surprise them tonight. He just wanted to give you space and privacy to sleep. He wanted you to feel comfortable in his presence.

He closed the door with a soft click, not wanting to wake you up. He watched with pleasure as your chest rose at a regular slow pace - you were asleep. He felt tired all day, but he didn't dare go to join you for fear he might wake you up or worse; after all, he had only one bed.

Surrendering to the idea of not sleeping today, he sat down on a wooden chair beside the window and stared at the sleepy forest behind the glass. He didn't know how long he was looking out the window when he heard the rustle of fabric on fabric as you spun from one side to the other. Talbott rose to his feet and snuck a look at your peaceful face. You were sound asleep. He knelt beside your body which was curled into a small ball. He dared to catch a stray strand of your hair between his fingers and move it away from your cheek, tucking it behind your ear. He saw you shifting and scared of being caught he quickly jumped away from you. Had he woken you up? Despite his quickening heartbeat you stayed asleep. When he looked at you more closely only than he had realised you were shivering with cold. He didn't have a blanket since he never needed one, but his insides clunched at the sight of you freezing.

He felt his ears grow hot as more blood rushed to his face when the thought crossed his mind. How could something like that have occurred to him at all? You certainly wouldn't like it, and if you woke up accidentally, he didn't want to face your angry self. As another wave of tremor swept through your body in an attempt to warm up, he sat down on the wooden floor next to you. With a deep breath of courage, he lifted one of his wings and gently covered your huddled self with it.

He watched as a blissful smile settled on your face, and as your gentle hand touched his feathers, he felt a wave of shame. In his eyes you looked so peaceful, so beautiful. He never felt the way he does now. He never felt the need to protect another person, but when he saw you relax immediately and snuggle up to him, he couldn't resist the sudden urge that told him to keep you close. When he reached out to your face and stroked you with the greatest tenderness he was able, he hoped that he was not mistaken in you. He hoped you were really as kind and tender as you seem at first glance. He hoped he had opened his heart to the right person.

*Time skip*

He didn't want to let you go in the morning, but he was too afraid of your reaction to ask if you would stay with him a little longer. He enjoyed your company, and the thought of not seeing you again was annoying. His only consolation was the promise to see you again to play another round of chess. Until then, he intended to train hard so that he could win over you and make a wish again. He wished he had asked you to see him every day instead of just staying over his place.

Now that you weren't with him again, his day has returned to the old boring stereotype. Honestly, he didn't have anything to do the whole day. He was bored. He tried to entertain himself by reading his favorite book on transfiguration, but soon he tossed it away when he found that he had read the same line for the tenth time. Even flying didn't amuse him, so he decided to transform into his animal form and fly to the open space of the school grounds where he could observe young witches and wizards. Once in a while he flew there and watched what was happening beneath him, but as soon as someone approached him to his displeasure for more than three meters, he flew away again.

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