part 19

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A/n pov
They went to xxx lake . Y/n was wearing a blue color crop top and black colour leggy .
Y/N : boys are u ready
Rm : yeah yeah coming * lazily *
Jin : we are here
Jk : noona
He was about to jump on her when Suga came in way .
Suga : yah!!She's a girl don't jump on her her back might hurt
Y/N : come on yoongi don't be grumpy .
They all sat in limbo and drove to xxx lake .
Y/N : we are hear .
Jin : we will set things .
Y/N : i will dive under water .
She wore her water googles and dive under water a lot of things were there as it's pure and clean water alot of fishes were swimming but she couldn't find anything . She came up .
Y/N pov
Y/N : near lake xxx under the water on right side behind the big grass of bunch . What does it even mean . Near the lake . Near . Wait near . Means not this lake .
I went out of water and found a very large lake near . 3x larger than xxx lake .
I stand there and look everywhere .
Y/N : under water on right side behind the big grass of bunch . So right side of lake underwater behind the big grass of bunch .
I dive in right side of lake there is alot of bushes but a bush isn't moving like others . I went to it and say that there is a rock which look like a box more . I quickly grab it as i am sort of breath and went up . I came out .
Y/N : f..finally * panting  * i found the secret .
Y/N : coming
I quickly went there with stone in my hand .
Jk : where were u noona * hug her *
Y/N : i was their in big lake .
Jk : oww!! Let's go and throw this rock u aren't kid
Y/N : no way
Jk : what will u do with this
Y/N : i will put it in my collection
Suga : u have a collection
Y/N : yeah
Jimin : told yo she's weird
Hobi : uhh...umm.........noona
I look at him .
Hobi : can we privately
I nod . We went far away and have a talk .
Y/N : go ahead
Hobi : umm.......a girl is sending me her pics and saying that she loves me and alot i had block her and change my phone number but still she message me 😖
Y/N : korean or indian
Hobi : k..korean
Y/N : why don't u ask to others
Hobi : t..they will get worry and she gives me her n..nudes pic so
Y/N : ok (  she must be something that he couldn't trace her )
Hobi : thanku noona
He left . I call eunwoo as he's not here he's in mansion . Seoul mansion . He need to handel some of my mafia work .
In call
Eun : whm queen
Y/N : u have to find the location of xxxxxxxxxxx number
Eun : got it do we have to kidnap her or kill her .
Y/N : first send me info
Eun : okay queen

Call end

I went to them . I ate my lunch and came back and directly went in my room change my cloth and have a look at rock
Y/N : did i do this much work for a rock .
I look correctly but there was nothing so i through the rock on wall in frustration and it break and 2 gems like things came out

 I look correctly but there was nothing so i through the rock on wall in frustration and it break and 2 gems like things came out

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Y/N : wth is this .
I quickly pick both of them and look at the rock there was a letter .

Y/N : let's put these gems on yes the fish aquarium so no one will touch them and water is pure as heaven

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Y/N : let's put these gems on yes the fish aquarium so no one will touch them and water is pure as heaven .
I put them in fish aquarium and check my phone which have that girl info
Y/N : so just a girl who is rich and bts own security is helping her .

In call

Y/N : eun expose the security to bts and kill the girl and destroy her whole family .
Eun : got it .

Call end

Y/N : * yawn * all work is done let's sleep .


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