Chapter 8: The Revealed
In the dungeons, the air was dank and dreary as usual. Suspended in the middle of the room, above a dancing azure flame was a large charcoal cauldron. A foreboding figure towered over it stared fixatedly at the carrot-colored concoction. The dark man was carefully squeezing the sap from the stem of a freshly pick hydrangea and counting the drops. ...Nine, ten, eleven, twelve... One more and he would stop.
"How does it go, Professor Snape?"
The man jumped and his beady eyes went wide as two drops fell into the cauldron, his hand accidentally clamping around the plant at the sudden outburst. Suppressing his rage, the angry man turned and strode to the Potions closet. A mere moment later he heard an explosion, and a satisfactory smirk spread over his thin lips as he heard the Headmaster say, "Severus, you could have at least told me it was going to explode."
The Potions Master reemerged from the closet, his usual scowl staining his face, his arms laden with ingredients. "I was thinking about it," he replied coolly, but decided not to, he finished to himself. Seeing that Dumbledore had cleaned the mess up for him, Severus set down the bottles he had procured from the closet.
"I see," came the even response from behind him.
Ignoring the Headmaster, Severus magicked another cauldron, seeing as the other had melted.
"I came to see how things were coming along," the elderly man announced. Snape glared into the cauldron and continued to prepare the potion.
"It would have been much closer to being done, had someone not gotten through my guards and ruined my potion. It will now take several more weeks before we can find the ingredients of the potion that took Draco's sight so that we may analyze what went wrong with it. Congratulations, Albus," the Potions Master growled through clenched, yellowed teeth. His Godson had to suffer for two more weeks before anything could be done. Damn that bloody bastard for ruining his potion by barging in there like that so-damn-quietly.
"Ah, I see," was all the bearded man replied.
Severus whirled about on the heel of his boot, robes billowing omnipotently around him, and faced the Headmaster. He opened his mouth to demand to be left in private, but was cut off.
"However, I do not think Mr. Malfoy will be too displeased to be left in the Hospital Wing for a longer amount of time."
Severus snapped his mouth shut, narrowing his eyes at the bright twinkle in the old man's eyes. "What aren't you telling me, Albus?" demanded the teacher.
"Whatever do you mean, Severus? What could I possibly be keeping from you?" was the enigmatic response, before the gray-haired man turned and walked toward the exit. "I suppose I shall leave you to your work, Severus. Contact me when it is ready. Good day."
Growling at the closed door, Snape decided to take a break from his potion before re-starting it. It was late and he desperately needed sleep. He would start it again tomorrow, he decided, making his way to his chambers after locking the dungeon door securely.
Upon entering his bedroom, he decidedly got out a tumbler and his strongest Firewhiskey. Collapsing into his favorite, tattered, old black leather chair, Severus uncorked the alcohol bottle and poured himself a drink, quickly downing it. Liquid fire scorched his insides, all the way down to his stomach. He scowled scathingly at nothing in particular before throwing his head back and downing another shot. He really should never have agreed to become Draco's Godfather. It was more work than he thought.
Draco was reclining in his hospital bed, awaiting No One's arrival. To say that he wasn't nervous would be a lie. The night before had definitely been odd on every level imaginable. He wanted to see No One again, but after yesterday, how could he react? What was normal, as far as their relationship as concerned? In reality, the outcome depended on the night and each other's moods.

Fanfiction⚠︎This is not mine, for offline purpose only to satisfy my need and i also want to share it with all of you in case you haven't read it Original Author: cappie Original Publisher: Link to the story