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I still remember how she used to talk to me fondly of passions and talents, guitars and stars, then stopped shortly and weirdly started apologizing for everything she said and then she went silent. The golden glitter in her doe eyes lost it's shine and become opaque. All because something in her life was breaking her apart. By always ignoring her beautiful words and telling her to shut up, to keep it down, she thought nobody cares. She kept it to herself and doesn't even tried sharing it with me. Her best friend!

It all started when we turned teenagers, in the middle school, y/n used to tell everything about herself to me. She never kept any secret to me being her childhood sweetheart we were really very close, But one day she went all silent, QUIET. At first I thought maybe she's missing her mom and it was OK, as she passed out when she was young, like literally, very young.

" y/nahh , are you OK? " I asked as she looked at me. The thing I saw melted my heart and it broke into like trillion pieces. She looked into my eyes as a drop of tear tickled down her face, I didn't controlled myself anymore and engulfed her in my embrace, and shouldn't I? She was the only person i had in my damn life!! I caressed her hair and patted her back. She cried too hard!! This wasn't the supposed thing, I wanted to stop her but I couldn't, I gulped the non-existing lump formed in my throat " you OK? Is something or someone bothering you anyway ? " she shooked her head in my chest . " I was just missing my mom! " she said hugging me more tightly than she could.

The things didn't stopped after that too. Something was really fishy. She became cold, lost the shinning eyes she used to have, the way she used to grin widely at me, that gummy smile, she lost it all, Or should I say, I lost it all?? I lost her, my best friend, y/n ,she wasn't y/n anymore, she acted all like a stranger, and me?? I became alone again.

I still remember on the first day of our high school, she sat on the corner most bench of the class instead of the bench I spared for her by fighting with whole class, the whole semester she didn't even uttered a single word and became Like , mute? And suddenly one day something happened to which I was most afraid of...... She disappeared!! Day one, day two, day three and slowly slowly a whole week passed out. My heart was beating too rapidly at this point, worrying about her . ' Should I check her out? ' and then shooked of the thought knowing her father hates me too much after the incident.

"PARK Y/N......" the teacher called again and still no response! " dear y/n hasn't attended the classes for almost whole week. Go out to her house after school and ask her about the matter, the school is really concerned about her, and moreover you'll be thinking that I should have asked anyone else but no one here seems to know her than you, so dear go this noon and ask her, OK? " I slightly nodded at teachers words. That day after school I indeed paid her a visit.

I was standing in front of the door of her house, when suddenly I got a really, like really weird feeling, " is there something wrong? " I thought to myself as I could smell something really unpleasant and unpleasurable to my nose. I rang the bell again......

Ding.... Dong......

Still no response, I waited a few minutes and again rang it but this time more than it's frequency, thank God the bell didn't busted!! I was really worried at this point and decided to brag in there. With my trembling hands I pushed the knob and pulled the door harshly.. Indeed a foolish move!! The door was already unlocked making me harshly land on the ground but the smell became strong making me keep a hand on my nose.

The house was really in a queit disarray, like really very messy. My heart was beating really fast. The house looked like it suffered some kinda, Bulgar??

I slowly and steadily went towards the room, her room. I rotated the door knob, making my heart broke into million pieces, my body numb, lips trembling, brain stopped working. It was like my whole world tore apart.

" y/n !!" I yelled at my highest pitch, my vocals almost bursted. I went near her almost decomposed body laying lifeless on the ground with a knife shoved in her stomach. I not being able to see her like this, called the emergency, almost choking on my tears I told them what has happened.

" she is no more! Dead almost a week ago" doctors declared, making me numb, I lost someone once again. " it was indeed a murder, seems like someone raped her too, there are a few semen samples on her body " I looked away not being able to think more, so foolish of me to not understand anything. It was indeed my mistake. " the weird thing is there is no trace of culprit, nor her family!! " that damn filthy father of his was maybe on another trip with that slutty girlfriend of his.

I was the only one present at her funeral too. I, till now, everyday pays a visit too her, grave, cry and talk about my day for like hours and come back home. In these past 6 years I really missed her silly talks, her beautiful quotes, her sizzling eyes, and her gummy smile. She used to love spring so much, every autumn she used to say " when once again the spring day will come, the garden will bloom with variety of colors "

Indeed y/n today I'm understanding every meaning of those once called silly talking of yours!!

"Y/nahhh I wanna sing for you, your favorite season is here, wait I'll get my guitar " he sat there in front of her grave and sang :

허공을 떠도는
작은 먼지처럼
작은 먼지처럼

나라는 눈이 나라면
조금더 빨리 비게
닿을 수 있을 텐데

눈꽃이 떨어져요
또 조금씩 멀어져요
보고 싶다

보고 싶다

얼마나 기다려야
또 몇 밤을더 새워야
널 보게 될까

만나게 될꺼

추운 겨울 끝을 지나
다시 봄나이 올 때까지
꽃 피울 때까지
그곳에 좀 더 머물러줘

English translation :

Just like a smallest
piece of dust
that floats in air.

If the flying snow is me
I could have
reach you farther

Snowflakes are falling
Getting farther away
I miss you

I miss you

How much more do I have to wait
How much more nights do I have to stay up
Until I meet you

Until I can see you

Past the end of this cold winter
Until the end comes again
Until the flowers bloom again
A little longer, stay there

Stay there!!!

•••••The end•••••

Thanks for reading
Dee destiny ~

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