Chapter 3: Cake War! w/Kian!

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The Next Morning (Amber's P.O.V):
I just woke up and Hazel was laying right next to me, I smiled at her and she got up and I gave her a pet then I got up from my bed. I looked at the clock and it said 8:23am. I usually never sleep in this late, oh well. I walked over to my dresser and looked at myself. My hair was all messed up and my eyeliner got smeared. I rubbed my eyes which made the eyeliner even worse, but I can fix that later. I opened my door and I walked downstairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a bottled water from the fridge and I took a sip when Kian came down the stairs.

"Morning." I said and I smiled.
"Hey goodmorning." Kian said and he smiled back.
"Where's Jc?" I asked Kian and I took another drink of my water.
"Upstairs getting ready for the gym." Kian told me.
"He's going to the gym?" I asked.
"Yeah, but i'm not today." Kian said and he started making a bowl of cereal.
"Oh ok." I said and took another drink of my water.
"Want a bowl?" Kian asked me.
"No thanks, i'm good." I said and I smiled then I went upstairs to my room.

Once I got to my room, I shut my door and I started getting ready for the day. Today i'm wearing my new shorts I got at the mall and a crop-top that said: Dream On, and it had a peace sign on it too. I curled my hair and I also put a flower crown on. Then I added light makeup. I grabbed my water and went back downstairs.

"Are we gonna do anything fun today?" I asked Kian as I plopped down on the couch next to him.
"I don't know are we?" Kian asked me and he turned to me and smiled.
"Well, there is this one thing I wanted to do." I said and smiled.
"What is it?" Kian asked.
"We could have a cake war." I said and I giggled.
"A cake war?" Kian asked and he laughed.
"Yeah, where you bake a cake or cakes and then you throw them at each other basically have a war." I said and laughed.
"I know what it is." Kian said and he smiled. "Just give me a sec to get ready and then we can go to the store and get the stuff we need." Kian said and I nodded my head. Kian got up from the couch and he went upstairs and got ready so we could go to the store.

Kian's P.O.V:
Having this cake war between Amber and I could be really fun. I hurried up and got dressed so we could leave. I went downstairs and Amber got into the car and we drove off to the store.

At The Store:
I picked out some boxes of cake mixes to make for the cake war, and Amber got some eggs and other stuff we needed for the cakes. I also got some frostings and sprinkles, for you know decoration. After we picked out all the stuff we needed, we paid and went home.

When we got home, right away we started making the cakes. We got 4 boxes of cake mixes. Amber got 2 and I got 2. I picked the original kind and red velvet. Amber picked rainbow and chocolate.

"Kian can you pass me an egg?" Amber asked me.
"Yeah sure." I said and passed her an egg and she didn't catch it right so it cracked in her hand.
"You did that one purpose." Amber said and we both started laughing.
"No I didn't." I said and Amber threw the cracked egg at me.
"Now we are even." Amber said and she laughed as she turned back to her cake.

After we finished making the cakes we had to wait for them to finish baking. We decided to watch a movie on Netflix while we waited. Amber picked the movie she picked Mean Girls. I didn't really like that movie but if she wanted to watch it then ok.

-Time Skip- Amber's P.O.V:
After the cakes got done baking and they cooled down, it was time for war!
Kian and I carried our cakes out to the backyard and we set them down on a table next to us. Dom blew the horn and that ment it was time for action. I picked up a piece of the cake and threw it at Kian. I laughed when it hit him in the face.

"1 point for Amber!" I shouted and I held up one finger and as I held up that finger Kian threw a huge piece of cake at me and it hit me on the side of my face. "Oh it's on." I said and I threw more of my cake at him.
"Is that all you got?" Kian asked me when I threw the piece of cake but I missed.
"Is that all YOU got?" I asked Kian when he missed me.
"Nope." Kian said and he threw a piece of cake at me that got all over my arm.
"Hey look ballons!" I shouted and I pointed to the sky.
"Where?" Kian asked and he turned and looked up at the sky. It was the perfect time to get him. I picked up a big piece of cake and threw it at him. I hit him everywhere because it was so big.
"Hey you cheated!" Kian said and we both laughed.
"Yeah but this cheater also won. Booyah!" I shouted and Kian, Dom and I all laughed. This was officially the funnest day that I have ever had. But now we have to clean up this mess before Jc comes home.... Byee!
New Chapter👏 Comment good/bad things about my story! Thanks -Aria😊

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