A journal of a hermit

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After calling the police and giving a statement to the best of his capabilities without explaining that he possibly just got a quirk passed on to him, they got into the car and left, Izuku following him mindlessly.

On the way home he glanced over at Izuku, who was looking ahead silently with glazed eyes; he was most likely still in shock after watching a man die in front of him. He was going to need a day or two to himself.

After arriving, he parked the car in front of the house and walked inside with Izuku silently and headed to his bedroom, but before Izuku could go to his room, Daigoro called after him.

"Izuku, you're not going to go to school tomorrow, so don't bother setting any alarms. I want you to have some time to yourself."

Izuku nodded quietly and went to his room, closing the door behind him.

After closing his own door, Daigoro placed the journal on his nightstand, intending to read it the next day. After showering he went to join his wife in the realm of sleep, but the thought occurred to him that he probably wasn't going to sleep well tonight. The death of a civilian always placed a heavy toll on his mind regardless if he could have done something or not, it was a heavy price to pay as a hero the pain and the guilt of not being enough, of not being fast enough, strong enough but it's a noble job the people take for granted.

As he grabbed the journal he began to wonder, what if what this man said was true, that he passed on his power to me and that the person who could steal the quirks is after it? This could mean bad news, I need to know what I'm getting into... He grabbed the book and moved to the dining room to read in peace, and without risking waking anyone.

- Shinomori Hikage's journal-.

Daigoro took a deep breath and opened the book.

Day I.

I remember that day vividly. It was nothing but chaos; burning buildings and bodies strewn about; it was a fight between two men; one was jumping around with blasts of air from his shoes and fidgeting his hands every second, and the other was a man in suit releasing many abilities that had nothing in common, screaming about giving his brothers power back while laughing maniacally, but there was one thing I knew I had to do, get out of there. My power screamed into my ears giving me a headache, telling- no, ordering - me to leave now.

I thought I had gotten a safe distance away, but someone came crashing down before me, releasing large waves of pure power. I was about to run again before something about it called me. It was coming from the man from before that had been jumping around. He told me to take something, but before he did he explained.

He told me a story - this power i'm about to give you, it is derived from the man I am in eternal battle with who has chosen the moniker All for One. It allows him to give and take quirks from others, to use during the beginning of quirks, he took a stand and spread his webs of influence, getting people to follow him across the country. He manipulated people to serve his purposes; to do evil, or to act for him. He quickly became an underground ruler of thieves and criminals. He had a brother who seemed to have no abilities, because of this, he forced this strength stockpiling ability into his brother. Little did he know he had the power to pass on this power. My friend, who was the Second to wield the power, saved him, but then he tried to fight AFO, but his power wasn't strong enough, so he passed it to me, the IIIrd wielder. So please take this power, become the IVth and run, make it stronger if it's still not strong enough, and pass it on - he finished speaking and as he gave me a piece of his hair, said it needed to be passed on by consuming his DNA.

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