Kellen x Dawko

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Dawko POV:

Today is the day! Oh sugar I'm so excited! I was waiting long to finally meet Kellen! I hope he does like me in person? He doesn't even know that I'm coming sooo It's a surprise! He was always my best friend! Like.. I was tweeting with him every day and texting him! To finally meet him is the best thing that could happen in my life!

Narrator POV:
Dawko is now in the airplane and is waiting for his arrival in the US
After 10 hours (Lol I'm sorry Idk how long a flight from the UK to the US takes xD)
He arrived, near Los Angeles
Dawko was scrolling through the chats with him and Kellen to find the message where Kellen told him his address. But...

Dawko POV:
SUGAR! Pls not!! I deleted my old chats! What should I do now?! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! The Taxi driver pushed me literally out cause I didn't have enough money to drive to the next motel and now I'm alone in Los Angeles, lost.

Andy POV: Why don't we go to chuck e cheese again? "You kidding me Andy again?! You know I'm not a fan of cuck e cheese!" Kellen said. Come on Kellen! You love Fnaf right? Kellen looked at me like he's going to kill me. "Okay whatever m8....

Kellen POV:
Always chuck e cheese why? We could better go to Starbucks! I sighed. Whatever.... Hm btw did Dawko text me..? No, nothing- Weird did I do something? Usually he is always texting me? Andy tried to get my attention since 2 mins. "What do you wAAAnt"
Andy pointed his finger on a similar person I know..

Disclaimer: It's my first story so pls be gentle to me Dx  And I'm actually German so sorry for my bad english lol Whatever if u don't know who Andy is he is just a VA like Kellen he is in Fnaf SL the VA of Handunit :D

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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