Cross Academy

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I now attend Cross Academy, where vampires and humans co-exist. I attend the day class and Kaname attends the night class. I'm the disciplinary committee, where I talk care of both classes day and night. Stopping a bunch of girls from reaching the night class during the switchover is a nightmare.
"Aido! Aido!" A girl screams
"Akaski!" Another one cries
"Calm down girls, stay in your lines!" I say then a voice made me yelp.
"GET BACK TO CLASS!!" Calls out Zero.
All the girls including me jumped.
"You're mean Zero!"
"You can't tell us what to do!" Girls cry
"That means you don't mind seeing the headmaster so you?" Zero said in his usual tone.
The girls shook their heads and ran off.
"That should talk care of them" I said.
Suddenly Kaname comes by
"Good evening Lord Kaname." I call him this because he saved me the night I collapsed in the snow.
He pats my head
"How are you feeling Yuki?"
"I feel fine. Thank you Lord Kaname!" I say
Zero grunts, I pout at him
"Don't be so mean!" I whispered to him. As the night class descends to the school.
I walk to my dorm exhausted from the day class girls today. They're worse than usual.
Zero comes to me.
"Get to you dorm and get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow. They'll be even worse." He grunts and hurries off. I follow and go back to my dorm.

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