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Marcus Thorne glanced at the enchantress sitting so close to him with her hands clutching his arm. Good fortune had been with him as of late, and taking his enemy's daughter prisoner topped the day. It didn't matter if his men found nothing of consequence on the stagecoach, Marcus' world had brightened because of the treasure sitting very close in front of him.

He didn't know Miss Isabelle Stanhope, just her father. Marcus had done the world a service when he purged the crook from society. Marcus had dealt with the older man on several occasions and concluded the weasel couldn't be trusted. He hadn't planned on killing Commodore Stanhope, but the foolish man tried to stab him in the back. Literally. On impulse, Marcus shot the man between the eyes, killing him instantly.

It wasn't until later that day when Marcus, rummaging through the Commodore's trunks, had found a miniature of an extremely beautiful woman. Several days afterward, he studied the picture and read some of the missives the Commodore had written to his daughter but never mailed.

Months later, Hawk realized the Commodore had somehow alerted Napoleon and his soldiers to Hawk's hideout. Marcus was nearly killed, and he and his men lost many valuable items during Napoleon's raid.

Now Marcus had something of value belonging to the Commodore. It didn't matter if the older man was dead, Marcus would fulfill his revenge by keeping the daughter as his prisoner. Hopefully, he'd be able to discover what she knew about her father's dealings with Napoleon as well. Marcus worked undercover for Prince Regent as a spy to help take down Napoleon's spies.

Miss Stanhope was incredibly beautiful, and her fiery temper surprised him. Spirited women challenged him and kept him on his toes. Isabelle's amazing blue eyes were like an ocean on a serene day, so different from her temper.

Her presence nearly made him forget his own reputation as a fearsome highwayman. At one time, he'd been a pirate—as were his men—but soon, Marcus realized he could accomplish more as a highwayman and get things done much faster.

Clearing away the turbulence Miss Stanhope had brought to his mind, he couldn't understand why she lied about her name. Why didn't she want him to know who her father had been? Most assuredly, Marcus looked forward to uncovering her secrets.

When the wagon full of prisoners had caught up to him, he pushed his horse faster toward his hideout. Since Napoleon's men had found his last place, Marcus had discovered another out-of-the-way spot to call home—at least home for his gang of thieves.

Miss Stanhope bounced on his horse so badly, so he pulled her closer to his chest.

"What are you doing?" she shrieked.

"Not to worry, fair maiden, I'm only trying to make you more comfortable."

"If you want me to be more comfortable, then release me at once!"

He chuckled. "Do you wish to walk?"

"Um, no...I was referring to being your prisoner."

"Oh, fair maiden, I cannot and will not release you. So unless you want to walk the remainder of the way, you can lean against me. I promise not to bite...too hard."

It took a few moments of him studying her stiff posture before she finally relented and leaned back against his chest.

He laughed. "Now, was that so difficult?"

"More than you could ever imagine, Captain Hawk."

A half-hour later, they reached the border of his hideout, and he slowed the horse. Quickly, she pulled away from him and straightened. Several of his men stood guard at the tall, wooden gates and let them enter, then secured the slats of wood covered in bushes as a disguise after they passed through.

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by Marie Higgins
Marcus Thorne wears several masks in his life-playing retired pirate...
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