Darker Oak part 3

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Frost P.O.V

I woke up with the sunrise. I woke up thinking today was going to be another great day at school but then all of the memorys came flooding back and I remebered that we were in the sandwing palace waiting for the rest of the Jade Winglet. I looked around and saw Scorpion, Moonstone, Rapid, Eclipse, Amber, and Pyre. Seeing Rapid reminded me of the fact that Oak might have killed Viper and Galaxy. I shook the thought off and decided to get up. I streched and quitely snuck out of the room. I snuck out off the palace and laid on the roof of the building. I watched the sun rise and felt the cool breeze. It was so peacful up here away from all of the chaos. Not long after I heard the kingdom waking up. I decided to get down before somthing important happens. As I was enetering the palace I saw a dragon leave the palace with a letters in his pouch. I smiled because that ment that Qibli and Moonwatcher belived them. I walked around the palace a bit until I found the room that we were sleeping. The good thing was that every one was up the bad thing was that Eclipse and Rapid were fighting again. " Your life is far from bad you had your family your whole life. Every one I knew either hated me or died!" I heard Eclipse shout. I don't know what lead to this fight but it had to be stoped before it got worse. I jumped into the room and shouted " STOP!" Rapid and Eclipse were so close to each other that there snouts were almost touching. But they backed away from each other Rapid walking towards me and Eclipse going to her daugher and brother. I knew Moonstone and she was really nice and sweet and Scorpion is kind and always thinking of others befoe himself so it makes sence that they keep Eclipse sane. Rapid walked up next to me and said " I don't trust her and I don't want her here." I sighed and said " Like it or not she is part of our team." Rapid growled but walked away. I gave a big sigh but said " Ok everyone we have to go meet with the queen, Qibli, and Moonwatcher so let's go." The others got up and we all walked towards the throne room. We stopped at the door and I turned around. " She is a freindly queen but we still have to treat her like a queen ok." They all nodded and I knocked on the door. " COME IN!" I heard some one shout. I opened the door and saw a few gaurds and queen Thorn on her throne. I bowed and said " Your majesty we have come to tell you the full story of what has happened at" I was cut of short by her laughing. " Your majesty please just call me Thorn and get off of your knees please we are all just dragons after all." I nodded and we all got off our knees. I had heard stories about Thorn and that she was nice but I did not know she was this nice. " Ok then we have come to tell you what has happened at Jade mountain." I said. She nodded and said " yes I have been waiting to hear the whole story. Qibli and Moonwatcher told me about it and then went back to sleep." Thorn said. I felt quilty about waking them up in the middle of the night but what is done is done. I took a deep breath and told her about Oak and how he attack and denfinetly killed some of the dragons there but that we did not know if they killed them or not. Thorn nodded but she had fear and panic in her eyes. " You are all dismissed but you Frost." I felt my heart pound as the others left. Once they were all gone she looked at me and said " Do you know if Sunny or Stonemover would have been hurt?" She asked. " I.I....I don't know." I repiled. She sighed and said " Thank you Frost you are dismissed." I nodded and walked away. "I hope she will do well with the fact that her family might be dead." I thought.

Some time later ( Cuz I lazy)

It was late at night when I spotted several figures coming towards the palace. They were here and that ment we were saved. Qibli and Moonwatcher flew towards them and I saw them hug and laugh. They came back down one by one. Prince Winter, Prince Turtle and his wife Kinkajou, and Peril. The dragons who defeted Darkstalker and helped save the world TWICE! They all walked inside the palace laughing and joking. I ran and got the others " Guys they are here!" I shouted. They all got up and followed me to meet them. They were all in the throne room and we entered into the room to see every dragon in the room had their eyes on us. I took a deep breath and said " Hello my name is Frost and these are my friends. We have come from Jade mountain academy with news of a demon called Oak." Turtle seemed to fiddle with his fingers but asked " Is he an animus?" I shook my head " No he is a hybrid Rainwing/Seawing hybrid though." I said.Kinkajou looked at me and asked " Who are his parents?" " I don't know." I repiled. " We have asked for all of you because he might not be an animus but he is deadly and evil. He has already killed several students and we don't know for sure but quite possibly the Dragonets of destiny." I said. This cause gasps out of everyone but Thorn, Qibli, and Moonwatcher but there were still looks of fear on there faces. Peril looked scared but angry. " You are telling me that CLAY MIGHT BE DEAD!" She screamed with smoke rising off of her skin. Turtle rushed to her side and said " And getting angry wont solve anything. Plus it is just a mabey." He said soothing his friend. Peril calmed down and said " When will we go?" Qibli spoke and said " Tomorrow that is if Winter does not claw off anyone's face." Qibli joked. Kinkajou snuffled a laugh but Winter just stood there and did nothing. " Wow this is an amazing day the day prince Winter said nothing." Qibli said again. Winter smiled and said " Oh I still talk sand snorter I was just waiting." Winter said. " For what?" But in faster that I could blink Winter launched sand into Qibli's snout. Qibli coughed and said " I am going to get you for that." Everyone laughed bit then Thorn stoped chuckling and said " You all have a very important day tomorrow you all should rest." We nodded and all went to our rooms. I laid down and relized just how tired I was when I laid down on the camal fur. I snuggled up into it and closed my eyes. Tomorrow is either the greatest or worst day ever.

In the Scorpion den

Vulture was counting his money when he heard a thump and one of his gaurds head was turned all the way around. He gasped and pulled out his sword. "Who is there!?" he shouted. Oak made himself visible and said " A friend." " Does a friend kill my gaurds?" Vulture shouted. Oak smiled and said " I needed to have a private word with you." " What is it?" " Do you still want the Sandwing throne?" Oak asked. Vutlure chuckled and said " Of course I do."    " Well I can get you it I just need a small favor." Oak said. " What?" " I need your greatest fighter." Oak said " One who could do damage to my enemys." Vulture nodded and said " I have just the dragon." Vulture walked out and came back in with Cobra( Qibli's mother just incase you do not remeber.) Oak grinned and said " She will do but a few questions." " ask away." Vulture said. " Do you know anyone like me who would join me?" Oak asked. Vulture nodded and said " One is named Wasp and she is in jail in Plantala, and there is a rumor that the Seawing assassin statue is still out there somwhere." Vulture said. Oak bowed and said " Thank you king Vulture." Vulture grinned and said " Good luck I hope you win." Oak laughed and said " Luck is somthing dragon use as hope and I don't need any hope." Vulture nodded and watched them walk away. " What a interesting dragon." he thought.


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