Chapter 9

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Madeleine stared dumbfounded at the closed door, scratching his head of white hair. "Well that was new," he mumbled. "Actually, no it wasn't. Espresso has always been a bit of a grump," the knight laughed to himself. "This is probably all just part of the plan! He'll get me out of here by nightfall!"

He, in fact, did not get Madeleine out of there be nightfall. It was two in the morning, Madeleine was starving, only a small plate of jelly spinach had been pushed into the cell, and every window actually wasn't a window but was a brick wall. "Essyyyy, come save meeee," Madeleine moaned, tapping his hand against the cold, hard floor of his cell. "Shut up," one of the guards ordered, making him scowl. "No! I won't!" he exclaimed, standing up and taking his armor off. "HELP, HELP!" he shouted, banging his chest plate against the stones, "I'M BEING REPRESSED!"

Madeleine stood up and started banging on the bars. A spear flew clean over his head, making the light cookie chuckle, "HAH, fool! You just gave me a weapon!" Both guards seemed uninterested, "Yeah, maybe now you can catch yourself some dinner. There are plenty of rats in there." Madeleine scoffed, "I am not eating a rat!" "Have fun starvin', bubby." The knight crossed his arms and harshly aimed a kick at the door, stumbling forward at the last second as the door was swung open.

"Espresso!" Madeleine cried, staring up at the shorter cookie from where he lay sprawled on the floor. Espresso pushed his round glasses up his nose, "Madeleine, behave. They'll kill you if you don't." Madeleine's face twisted into a frown before he stood up and brushed himself off, whipping around to reenter his cell with his long hair swaying behind him.

"Good. Eat the food they gave you," Espresso nodded to the guards, who pushed the door shut and locked it once more. "Espressoooo, when are you going to help me!?"
"I have no idea what you're on about," the coffee cookie answered, making Madeline roll his eyes.

But he couldn't help the feeling of sadness that overcame him. Was Espresso being serious? Was he actually going to leave him there?

The cookie of light bit his lip, blue eyes fixated on the door. Espresso promised. He said he was going to get him out, so he had to trust him. Everything was going to be okay...


Night had presumably fallen. Of course, Madeleine couldn't be sure because there were no windows, but from the way the guards had lowered their voices to soft whispers and the torches in the hall had been lit, the knight could take a guess at what time it was. He sighed in the corner, twirling a strand of his long hair around one of his fingers.

"The Divine be Praised," he mumbled when his stomach gave a low groan. He hadn't eaten anything sustainable for days. At this rate, he would end up as skinny as Espresso. What a nightmare.

Madeleine glanced over his shoulder. The torches were being snuffed out. Suppose it was the time of day. His gaze turned back to the wall as he slowly closed his eyes. Three. Two. One.

"Lights out, shitlord! Get some shut eye! And don't you fuckin' try to stay up all night making noise with your 'instruments' or we'll start serving you supper on a slug's back!" Madeleine smiled at the guard. "Oh, please do! I've heard all kinds of creepy crawlies give great nutrients! They might help tide me over!" The guard rolled his eyes and snuffed the last torch out, leaving the cell in total darkness, only Madeleine's faint, natural light emitting from his body.

In all honesty, he couldn't tell wether he was feeling drowsy or just really weak. He hadn't seen the sun in what must've been days and his body needed that to thrive. His eyes drooped and body shuddered. He felt unusually cold. Was he ill? Perhaps he caught some kind of fever from staying in this disgusting cell for so long.

Just as he was about to try and get some sleep, a loud groan, followed by a yell and another groan, snapped Madeleine back to attention, the cookie immediately pushing himself to his feet and putting himself into a defensive position for if the stranger outside decided to try and take him out next.

The door to his cell clicked a few times, as if someone were picking the lock, before it swung open, shrieking on its aged hinges. In the doorway stood the cloaked, yet unmistakable, figure of Espresso. Madeleine's eyes went wide. He didn't know what to make of the situation. Was Espresso finally here to save him? "You came for me," the knight said softly, his muscles slowly relaxing.

Espresso didn't even gift him a smile. "Yeah. I said I would. Let's go." His voice was monotonous and somewhat unsettling, but Madeleine was far too happy to care. He could finally go home!

The cookie of light tailed Espresso closely, his blue eyes never stopping from glancing around his dark surroundings. "Do you know the way out?" he spoke softly, worried he may alert some guards if he spoke too loud. Espresso didn't answer. Instead, he turned to look at Madeleine, his strange, cat-like eye narrowed. Just like that, he raised his hand and snapped his fingers together, Madeleine's consciousness vanishing within the second and causing him to fall to the floor. What was that...


I'm fr so excited to start this again-

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