Mysterious Virus!Cry

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A/N: Hey I'm finally updating more!!! Now I'm going to change this from 2nd POV, to 1st POV. Btw (YT/UN) is when I'm referring to YouTube Username.

I cross my arms upset at how Pewdie ruined my special moment with Cry. I close my eyes and sigh. I feel someone hug me and I open my eyes to look at who it was. I saw Pewdiepie hugging me and he starts apologizing, begging me to not kill him. "Please don't kill meh Senpai ____-chan!!!!" I laughed then gasped and held my head as a flashback came to my mind. It was me playing a game and chasing pewdiepje's character around with a crowbar. "Don't kill me _____!! Don't kill me Senpai!!! Please don't kill me _____-chan!!!! Please don't kill meh Senpai ______-chan!!!!" As the flashback ended I started gaining my memories back. Pewdie happy seeing as I remember. "Welcome back _____ or should I say (YT/UN)." I smiled remembering everything. I was the famous YouTuber _____ or (YT/UN) as my fans know me by. I play multiplayer mode games with the YouTubers Pewdiepie, Cryotic, Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and Yamimash. I also play games on my own I'm well known for my horror game reactions.


"Oh fuck. Oh fucky fuck fuck a duck. I so don't want to go down that stairwell... Fuck you game!!! Fuck you!!!" I slowly moved my character down the stairs as a loud jump-scare popped up. I screamed as I threw my headphones off my head. I sat back and clenched my chest scared half to death. My voice was shaky and quiet almost to tears cause I was so scared. "I think I'm going to end it here everyone... Thanks for watching, if you liked this video hit that like button as hard as you can, and I will see you next time. Later." As I reached to reached to turn off my camera, a monster popped up and killed my character, causing me to scream and slam hard into the back of my chair. "Woah!!!" My chair fell backwards and I went down with it. "Ow... Oh that hurt..." I flipped off the game as the camera was still running. "Fuck you, you fucking bitch ass, ball loving, cock sucking, ass licking, motherfucking, piece of fucking shit!!!!"

*End of Flashback*

I giggled to myself. Pewdiepie looked at me and seemed confused. I explained to him my memory and he laughed really hard. "That's something I would say!!!" Pewdie said as he died laughing. Cry walked over to me and I smiled happily. 'I ended up here by playing a horror game called Amnesia. I'm really glad I did though. Otherwise I wouldn't have met my favorite YouTuber/Friend Cry. Damn he's so sexy though~.' My thoughts were interrupted by my phone in my pocket started going off. "The hell?... I have no service here why would my phone be ringing?.." I took out my phone and looked at the number. It was an unknown number and my phone had no service. I answered it, just as the person on the other end of the phone said something that will horrify me for my whole time being here. "Hello there _____. You may not know me but you can call me Virus!Cry. I have had my eye on you for quite a while. Your a very beautiful girl ______. So beautiful that I desire to take you as my wife. Anyways I'll be coming for you in your Amnesia game shortly my dear. See you soon my love." With that the line went dead.

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