Chapter 1: Moving

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Everyone in this world has a soulmate that Celestia assigns you practically at birth. The God wants everything to go in her favor so she made it so that when you turn 18 you can communicate with your soulmate via body art. Most people write sentences to their soulmates, others doodle, and some just ignore the ink in their skin. Of course, not everyone does as Celestia wants and so we have some people who are happily married and have kids with people who aren't their soulmate.

In Religious regions especially Mondstadt the most religious region in Teyvat everyone believes in the soulmates assigned by Celestia. It's one of the first thing children are taught and Venti strongly believed in the idea of soulmates.

"Venti! Venti!" Venti was standing at good hunter waiting for the food he had just ordered when the high-pitched voice of his good friend Barbara rang in his ears. He turned to see the blonde girl running up to him holding onto her forearm.

"Oh! Hey Barbara. What's up?" The girl bounced up and down her blonde curls moving with her body.

"My soulmate finally wrote to me!" She squealed showing the short boy.

'Hey sorry for not writing sooner. I've been suuuper busy with my music and stuff' was written on her arm in black messy writing.

"Do you have a pen or something?" She continued jumping up and down as Venti went through his fanny pack checking for a pen. He managed to find a blue one and handed it to her. "Ooh what do I write?"

"Why don't you say you like music too and ask them about the music they're into and/or making?" Venti suggested. Barbara nodded and wrote on her arm. Barbara began bouncing on the tips of her feet while impatiently waiting for a response. Venti patted her shoulder when his name was called for his food. He sat down with Barbara as she eagerly stared at her arm waiting for a response. "Hey, calm down, at this rate you'll burn a hole into your arm" Venti giggled as Barbara looked up at him disgust on her face.

"That's Impossible" her expression changed from disgusted to a pout. "Oh Barbatos" she sighed laying her head down on the table.

"I'm sure they'll respond. Remember they said they get really busy so I'm sure they just got dragged by their work again" Venti said softly patting the girl's head.

"Well yeah... but it's still nerve racking waiting for a response" She huffed. The table muffling her voice as she facing the table not bothering to look up at him.

"At least your soulmate responded Venti and I aren't so lucky" A deep voice suddenly boomed startling the duo. Barbara shot her head up to look at the man Venti did the same with his apple in his mouth.

"Lord Barbatos" The two shouted at the same time.

"Kaeya why?!?!" Venti chucked the apple at Kaeya perfectly hitting his head as the poor dude just tried to sit down to join his "Nephew"

"Damn Venti what was that for" Kaeya rubbed his now sore head.

"Don't sneak up on me!!!" Venti pouted sinking into his chair scrunching up into a ball pressing his knees to his chest. "And stop bringing up the fact that I haven't gotten a message from my soulmate" He mumbled. Venti un-scrunched himself getting up to throw his "trash" away. 'Great now I lost my apatite the one time I feel like eating. Thanks "Uncle" Kaeya' he rolled his eyes turning back to the table. "Imma leave now. Good luck Barbara! Catch me up on what happened tomorrow before or after service kk?" Venti cheered with a wink.

"Yep" Barbara sang waving goodbye as the two parted ways.

Venti walked through the crowded city of Mondstadt taking in the view of his home. The home he's been living in his entire life to his fortune. His father died when he was young four or five years old, he doesn't remember him too well but he had some vague fuzzy memories of him unlike his mother who he knew nothing about not a fuzzy image to describe her or even a sound to recognize her by. As a result of his father's passing, he's been in the foster care system tossed around quite a bit as no one wanted to deal with his attention seeking habits he's had since he was a kid. He had fortunately never been tossed to a home outside of Mondstadt although he had at one point given up on being adopted until he was adopted by a man named Diluc Ragnvindr a few years ago, it was such a relief for Venti, He had given up looking for someone who would adopt him as he was sixteen or seventeen when Diluc adopted him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2022 ⏰

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